Dansco Updated Product / as of 10-18-2021

I had seen this on the Dansco website for those interested
Coming Soon!
Innovations Dollar Album P & D- June 2021
Innovations Dollar Proof Albums July 2021
Innovations Dollar Date Set August 2021
Sacagawea 8182 Album Pages 4 and 5- July 2021
American Eagle Silver Dollar New Album- Fall 2021
I checked their website and it appears they are truly trying to comeback. Great news.
When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln
Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
If you look under there album tab, they had a price increase too. Looks like they are really trying to make it work.
It's been over due. So this is good news
Hope they do an updated 7070 page
That is good news.... There has been a lot of speculation on their return. Cheers, RickO
Do you guys know where they are "physically" located?
When I was an album collector I always hated the blank holes on the last page after completing a set. I recall the Dansco Indian Head Cent and Franklin Half albums had blanks.
Sumas, Washington
Dansco website:danscousa.com/
Oh good! Because it looks like they were in a really bad neighborhood before!!
It can be annoying but I see it as an opportunity to add to the set. With Franklins, you can add any of the following: a Bugs Bunny, an example of a proof (maybe even a cameo and non-cameo), the 1964 P & D Kennedy, a Carr Franklin (for fans of Dan Carr's pieces), etc...
I use them for adding varieties, specifically in the US Large Cents album, and a few interesting countermarked coins.
My OmniCoin Collection
My BankNoteBank Collection
Tom, formerly in Albuquerque, NM.
Washington state, just off I5 in a small town south of the Canadian border.
ANA 50 year/Life Member (now "Emeritus")
I hope I don't have to go there and pick up the albums!
Pack your bags and cooler, time for a road trip.
I am tired of waiting for Dansco to produce albums for common coins. They should either produce albums quickly or sell the business or outsource production until they can produce enough themselves. Coin supply outlets like Wizard and Amos are always out of stock for most of the Dansco albums. There are sellers on ebay, but they are all price gouging because of the supply and demand. I am not going to pay $70 or more for a product listed at 42.95 retail on the suppliers website. Dansco has always been a poorly run business. Excuse after excuse for no or low production. They are loosing a lot of money because of a hot coin market right now. The 7070 album is listed on the website with price effective March 1, 2021 as $42.95. (This is a retail price) The list on the website says that these are now available. But it does not tell you where they are available. Prices for the 7070 albums are all over the map on ebay. if you search at the right time, you can get one for a bin of $20-30 as the seller may be unaware of the current value, but most sell for $80-$120.
This ebay BIN for 10 gold pages:
Really?? $499 for 10 album pages??
Guess I am in the wrong business.
What's the exact street address?
315 Cherry St, Sumas, WA. About 200 yards south of the border.
Keeper of the VAM Catalog • Professional Coin Imaging • Prime Number Set • World Coins in Early America • British Trade Dollars • Variety Attribution
Anyone here live up near there? Time for a road trip!!
I have been waiting for the Innovation Dollar album.
We need to send a RECON Team up there, knock on their door and find out what the heck is going on!!
My wish for Dansco is to re-publish some of the almost impossible to find albums like the Mexican type set. I know there is not a huge market for some of the albums but an occasional run would be great! And updated 7070 pages
I guess we're going to have to wait for the company to relocate to China before we see production!!
I live nearby, but have no reason to drive through Sumas, since the border is still closed.
Pacific Northwest Numismatic Association
You can cross here, with no problem.
For those of us who use Dansco albums, I found this on there website today dated 10-18-2021.
We appreciate everyone’s patience. We are still working with a small crew, but we are manufacturing. Currently we are working on cents albums. This will be followed by Sacagawea albums (by Christmas?) and then quarters (starting Feb 2022?). We are doing our best to get the product out as quickly as possible. We thank you for your continued patronage.
too much rain in last couple days from a 'pineapple express' and Sumas is flooding, I hope they do not get flooded again.