Struck Thru Cloth Error Coins Article

I thought you all would like my informative article with great photographs of struck thru cloth error coins.
This is a very rare error type that error collectors love to have in their collection.
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, Chris
Those are cool!
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Thank you for sharing that!
You gotta love those Blue wipe rags that they use to wipe up oil and debris from around the presses. guess they left them over the die when they started back up, we love when the Mint makes mistakes.
Nice article. Given that these were used by press operators to wipe excess grease off the press, I'm glad I haven't seen a struck-thru finger yet!
My guess is that has probably happened
Struck thru bone?
Way cool to see that
Thanks for the article, Chris!
You are welcome, Mike.
Thank you for asking
I used to work at a factory that made picture tube frames for TVs, i saw the aftermath of a diesetter losing his hand in a 500 ton press once. It was pretty bad.
@ErrorsOnCoins .... Thanks for the link to the article and the excellent picture. Cheers, RickO
Great pics to go with the article. Nice job! 👍
Aercus Numismatics - Certified coins for sale
Just got this beauty in that was not in the article .... such a nice coin
That's a very cool type of error!
My YouTube Channel
That's one crazy looking error coin!
"When they can't find anything wrong with you, they create it!"
I'm glad I haven't seen a struck-thru finger yet!
My guess is that has probably happened
Yep, except the date was missing a digit.
With regards to the finger thing. You're insinuating the cloth struck thru's might be intentional by mint employees?
That’s really nice! What causes the strip down the middle?
The cloth had a fold in it and was double thick in that area is my guess.