WTB: Buffalo Nickels in VF/EF with original surfaces

I’m doing a Dansco album with my son, building on what we have from my grand fathers collection. Need many of the earlier dates. With his 9th birthday approaching I’d like to find a nice example of a tougher date to gift him.
Good luck. I did the same with my son, when he was about that age. LMK when you need the 37-D 3 legs.
That’s cool! I will take it whenever you are ready. Probably will put it away for Christmas.
I have debated whether to hook him early with a cool “key” or see if I can get him engaged and have him lust after the elusive dates that will take 100 lawn mowings to pay for.
Latin American Collection
Sounds like fun. I tried with my son when he was younger and has no interest in coins today. I found that he had the most fun going through rolls of pennies and quarters and filling the holes in the Whitman with coins that he was able to find. Good luck.