NEWP: crossed another off my want list

This is an iconic type coin that I have wanted for a while. I haven't gotten my coin yet, but it appears to have been lightly cleaned but still very nice. Moreover, this type is commonly found weakly struck while my coin is well struck. Once I get it, I will probably bathe it in acetone to get rid of any residual surface crud and then let it sit on my window sill.
ITALY, Toscana (Livorno). Cosimo III de Medici.
1670-1723. AR Tollero. Firenze mint. Dated 1701. Davenport 1498; CNI 66; MIR 64/16. EF. Lustrous and well struck.
The reverse shows the Livorno seaport. This type was used as a trade coin, with the Livorno seaport being a commercial hub.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Wow, love it.
nice looking coin
Latin American Collection
Looks like a lot of character there. Was looking up the moto "et Patet et Favet" per Google: "And it is clear he favors." Interesting.
My current "Box of 20"