Gold coin on the farm!

**A farmer was hitching up his mule to plow his fields when the mule kicks him, breaking both legs.
The next day his wife visits him in the hospital and he laments that without plowing they could not plant a crop and they will soon lose the farm.
The wife tells him to relax because she has taken care of everything. Incredulous, he asks how?
She tells him, “Remember that old gold coin my grand daddy gave me? Well yesterday I took it to the coin shop in town and asked if it was worth much. They told me it was and asked where I got it. I told them it was a secret but we had found dozens in our fields.
Right now there’s 200 guys with metal detectors digging up the whole field!”**
(full disclosure: This was borrowed from another site)
I need a lot of digging on my property. I may borrow that story.
100% Positive BST transactions
good thinking on her side
They probably wouldn’t want me there because I wouldn’t dig that big of a hole and I would cover it up
Lafayette Grading Set
Can you imagine if - this really happened - AND someone actually found a gold coin???
Wow... I am sure someone would bring in a back hoe, and a TV show would start a series like Oak Island.
Cheers, RickO
Wasn’t there a container of D mint gold found in the south a few decades ago. I picked up a MS ‘57-D $5 apparently from that find.
@mintmaderarities.... Welcome aboard. I do not recall that incident, do you have a link? Cheers, RickO
This may have been the incident., although I seem to recall a farm.
Interesting mystery.... and one of the many stories that keep us treasure hunters focused on a 'great find. They are out there,... Keep searching. Cheers, RickO
Good one!