Current baseball card submission turnover time. My story
It's either PSA grading or nothing. But Just to give you guys an idea. I sent an $8 per card 25 card minimum quarterly special to PSA in late July 2020. There were 35 1952 Topps commons in the package. PSA acknowledged receipt of package on July 29, 2020. It was officially entered on Sept 24, 2020. It was in "Research & Id" until March 22, 2021 when it finally went into "Grading". Last week 04/17 went into "Assembly" . Today is Thursday April 22, 2021. No grades yet. Should be soon.
Good luck!
I hope the grades exceed your expectations!
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
Thanks for sharing mrcainas. I shipped a similar order in late Aug 2020, entered late Oct 2020. Still in "Research and ID". Encouraging to know PSA is working through the backlog. Let us know how you do with grades!
I sent in One , 1953 bowman Mantle (mabe a 4) Nov 27. Still in research and ID. I think those 52 Topps and 53 Bowman are really hard to identify . The kids that work there parents were not even born then. They probably do not have a clue.
welcome aboard!
and just keep staying positive.
hopefully the grades make the time worth while.
they certainly should monetarily speaking vs had you got them back in august ‘20.