Found my display case broken into today with bolt cutters

Weighing my options on whether or not to carry on in the antique mall. I already only sell “junk” due to the risk. Had a crappy educational note, some sterling wings and a few common coins lifted for about $300 or more loss. Mall ownership will review the camera footage but I’m doubtful of a good outcome.
Sorry to hear. Does the mall have any responsibility for security?
no good - sorry man - hope the footage proves useful
Dang ... sorry man.
That is unfortunate.
Awful. Sorry to hear. Wide variety of cool items in there. Wish you the best recovering
That sucks. People don't get very excited about this small level crimes anymore. Good luck with holding someone accountable.
In some jurisdictions it would not even be prosecuted.
I spy a large chunk of Alaska bronze in that cabinet. That fire fighters medal must be huge!
I hate to see things like that. You're just trying to have a little fun and some bad moron has to ruin it.
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Even minimal thefts are nasty... a violation of trust. Good luck getting your property back. Cheers, RickO
Ugh, that's awful. I hope the bad guys are caught!
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Thieves suck!
That really sucks. Sorry to hear.
...what a bunch of losers...bolt cutters used to be an important tool, now they’re just for tools
I have the gate chains on the ranch cut all the time by people with bolt cutters. Or with battery operated disc cutters. It's totally stupid. What are they after....a tree? I figure it's just some jerk with bolt cutters who is drunk with nothing to do. It happened just last night. I came home from the store at dusk with The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant and saw headlights down on the North West section. Put the rig in 4x and went to check it out. Off they went in a cloud of dust. This guy went to the trouble of taking the gate off it's hinges. Some people are total destructive morons........I feel for you, DNADave. You're not alone.
Sorry to hear that. In my honest opinion (and experience) antique malls are the pits. Most owners/managers will do nothing if someone lifts something from you. They take only their cut, but no responsibility.
USAF (Ret) 1974 - 1994 - The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries. Remembering RickO, a brother in arms.
I really cannot stand a thief. I hope the camera footage turns up something useful.
Sorry to hear about this misfortune, what a bummer
Hope those responsible for the theft are caught.
Liberty: Parent of Science & Industry
Don't let it get you down. Did the police process the scene for contact DNA? Peace Roy
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How much you wanta bet, that moron thought he was entitled to that stuff!!
No. I know the value of what was stolen wasn’t large in the scheme of important things in the world. But it does really suck. Besides, no less than 6 people handled that lock regularly. Wouldn’t be possible to deduce a DNA profile from the likely mixture on an item like that.
Terrible news.
But you're very wise to sell the lower end stuff at the mall and keep the good coins stored safely away.
"“Those who sacrifice liberty for security/safety deserve neither.“(Benjamin Franklin)
"I only golf on days that end in 'Y'" (DE59)
POLICE?? No dispresct meant Namvet, but around here, in SoCal, we are on our own. Here it's the Sheriff Dept. Help? DNA? You want help? Go pound sand.
P.S. Like most, I have relatives and friends in law enforcement. Their hands are tied.
That sucks! I would understand why you would be at the crossroads between staying or going.
I guess it boils down to if you make enough profit to stay.
Really sorry about that
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Trying to make that decision but for me it’s not about money. We get about 12k to 15k a year out of the shop but spend about 20.
For me I love finding the things and finding the hidden gems. This is (was) the best way for me to keep buying and still be able to flip large volumes of items. I do keep most of my best finds including from 4 or 5 coin collections a year.
I’ve given away more than was stolen. It’s just the idea. We’ll probably stay but get rid of the case and try to stop buying as much.
Was this at the Beckley Mall?
So. Charleston on D street
And you put it in park and made a bit of noise with the Ruger Mini -14, 'eh? I know I would have.