Red Sox @ Twins cancelled due to potential riots in the area.

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What is going on in Minnesota ?
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Protest riots for a police traffic stop shooting yesterday. Tensions were already high from all of last year there.
Highschool friend of mine lives in Minneapolis, moved there last winter before lockdown, said it's been nuts there and she just posted a picture of humvees rolling down the streets.
Play in Fenway instead of Minnesota.
There was a fatal cop shooting of a black man. I don't have a remote clue as to circumstances...but, I understand that the shooting was an "accident", during a routine traffic stop. Even crazier is that this took place mere blocks from the ongoing Derek Chauvin/George Floyd trial. How the hell can you "accidentally" shoot and kill somebody??
May we never again see game postponed due to potential riots
Our world has gone crazy!!
The cop said he thought he was using a " taser" if I read that right.
Crazy Town
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
The cop in question is a she.
3 officers were involved in a traffic stop. The driver had an outstanding arrest warrant. They tried to arrest him. Driver resisted and got back in his car. Officer yelled "Taser" three times and then fired - her gun.
If you wanted to cause hurt, unrest, and chaos you couldn't script it any better.
I was at the Dodgers game on August 13,1965. The Pirates were in town. The "Watts Riot" started a couple of days before, I think. It was weird. At first the smell of burning wood around the middle of the game. Then the smell became very acrid. It was the smell of burning wood and paint, etc. After that, smoke started swirling around inside the stadium. Very, very thick. I remember watching Dodger third baseman, John Kennedy,
catching the final out in the 9th. It was a high pop-up and the ball came down through layer after layer of smoke. Things never change.
The cop is a "she." Not that it makes any difference.
So she yelled Taser three times and shot him with a revolver? Seems the outcome would have been better if she would have yelled revolver three times and hit him with the taser.
Did he really get pulled over because of his air fresheners?
Sports related- it looks like the Blues- Wild game was postponed tonight as well.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Very sad.
Reminds me of when a hunter shoots/kills a fellow hunter in the woods. They usually say I thought it was a deer.
How can you pull your gun out and think its a tasser?
They don't look or feel the same.
They are not going to play baseball or any other sport for a while up there.
No. He was pulled over expired tags.
It has happened multiple times before. I don't know how it happens but it does.
how can a 26 year female veteran "accidentally" pull her service revolver instead of her tazer?? I think I'll PM JoeBonzai and offer him our spare bedroom, living anywhere near that "HotZone" has got to be insane right now.
leave while there's still time.
I am in no way excusing this, whether mistake or otherwise, but it is possible and it does very rarely happen.
I am a firearms enthusiast. there seems to be a perception here that police are carrying service revolvers while on duty. I would say that nearly all PD's around the country switched over to polymer-framed pistols back in the early 1990's. It would most likely be a Glock, M&P or Springfield XD type.
now, In a very stressful situation, I suppose it is possible to confuse the two as they both have polymer frames a similar weight, but it should never happen with proper training. you are all correct in the notion that had she been carrying a revolver, the weight and feel would be remarkably different from a taser.
Most PD carry the taser on the weak side so such mistakes cannot happen.
I think it would be fairly easy to look through this officers files to see if she has a record of such mistakes or other misconduct. by her immediate reaction to the shooting she seemed as shocked as anyone that she had fired her gun instead of the taser.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
It seems that I frequently notice them carrying on their weak side and they have to cross draw. Obviously this would be easy to determine , in this case, if she was.
Take this for what you will, but I wonder if she had Covid. Some of you may not believe this, but this is true, in that some
people who had Covid had to actually quit their jobs because one of the lingering symptoms of Covid is brain fog.
I've experienced this brain fog in my struggle to recover, and it may cause some people you may come in contact with to do some very unusual things around you. They simply can not process thoughts and actions as effectively as they once did because of the virus effects on the brain.
this is something I had not thought of. her being incapacitated to a degree due to covid could very possibly lead to such an outcome.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Some examples I can give you from my experience is that I can be talking to someone and can not finish a sentence because I can not put in the next word that needs to come out to complete that sentence, even though I know exactly what I want to say.
I go into my closet knowing that I want to put my sweatshirt on because it's a little cool outside, and the first thing I do is take off my shorts to put on my sweatpants, even though I know I wanted to keep my shorts on and just put on my sweatshirt.
I go into the bathroom not once, but twice in a week knowing I want to brush my teeth and take out the shaving cream instead of the tooth paste.
In other words, I know what I want to do, but my brain can't send the signals properly to my body to do the right thing.
in short, there is a very simple way to not get shot by police. comply and don't resist.
even if you believe you are innocent or being wrongly arrested, the time to argue is not when the police are trying to cuff and transport. you always will have time to hire a lawyer and straighten out any misconceptions after having been booked.
these things always seem to happen after someone resists.
when I was young and taking drivers ed, our teacher told us that if we are pulled over, we are to turn off car, roll down window and have hands at 10 and 2 on the wheel until the officer instructs you otherwise.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Thanks for thinking of me!
I moved out of the "war zone" almost 20 years ago and live 30 miles North of the cesspool called Minneapolis/St, Paul.
I spent about 15 years living in the area where Floyd died and it's BAD. Unless you have lived in an area like this, you have absolutely no idea what it's like worrying if your children are going to be gunned down for being outside.
Suffice it to say that I would rather die by my own hand than live there again.
I spent six years living in a bad Bronx neighborhood. I have empathy.
i'm going to come at this from a different angle. by nature i am a simple man who wants problems rectified yesterday. that said, i am of the very strong belief that these types of extremely unfortunate incidents can be prevented at a much, much greater rate. the panacea is rarely talked about, and frankly that leaves me bewildered, angry and sad beyond words. and the reason it elicits mixed emotions is because our great country has gotten to a point where divisiveness trumps cogent solutions. cogent solutions, mind you, that benefit every American no matter his/her skin color. no one will ever come to me for advice regarding this type of matter, but if they did i'd rattle off the following six words:
obey police officers from the onset
edit: turns out it's not a different angle, as my thoughts were expressed by someone else while i was typing
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Hard to imagine the stress on a law enforcement officer when in a situation like this.
A police officer was assassinated at a local restaurant while I lived in the area.
Agreed brother.
the "different angle" everyone should be coming from is that the problem isn't what happens at the time of an incident, the true problem is what happens with cadets at the Academy and then continued training once on a Police Force. if a 26 year veteran is incapable of functioning in a high stress event like what happened, then two things come to my mind: inadequate training or an Officer who has no business being on the streets.
That is correct Galaxy27.
it is very very simple.
Comply with police, argue in court. I think that if people would follow those simple directions, 95% of these situations would never occur.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Good point, but even if you are well trained, finding out you are not qualified for a high stress situation can easily lead to someone's death. George Floyd certainly should have survived his arrest. At one point he was in the squad car.
I have yet to see a case where a suspect died while cooperating with police during an arrest.
A good friend of mine was resisting arrest and almost got shot. Thankfully, he stopped fighting and complied.
I have not been pulled over in years but when I di I always did what the officer wanted and there was no problem
But what about all the race baiters that have come along since the tragic assassination of MLK telling these inner city minorities that the police are evil? do not trust the police?
lets not get political and have the thread poofed
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Race relations will not improve as long as it is big business and extremely profitable.
Also if I thought I would get pulled over and shot because of expired tags, or defective turn signals I would not drive with expired tags or defective turn signals.
Otto Zehm in Spokane. A false report was called in about him and then retracted. The police heard the retraction and attempted an arrest anyway - by attacking him. He complied but was hogtied facedown anyway and died.
I just read about that case. Thanks for sharing. How any police officer did not get the death penalty is beyond me.
I'm a full supporter of law enforcement too.
How hardly anybody went to jail is beyond me. A dozen cops, the captain, the chief, and the DA ALL lied about the case.
Fun fact: At the sentencing for the guy convicted of killing Otto, some 40 current officers showed up in dress blues. When the guy was taken away to prison after getting his sentence, they STOOD UP AND SALUTED HIM. One of the saluters is now the Chief of Police in Spokane.
Guys, I respect the desire to talk about this situation and similar ones that have occurred over the years. However, this is a subject that can get very heated, very quickly. I already see a few points that could spark some vehement challenges, though I do not suspect that poster had that in-mind while writing. Sorry, but I am going to shut this one down. Unfortunately it seems as though our country (world?) is in a position where these sorts of things are happening rather often.