I wonder if the same old urban legend holds true there as for dropping a penny off the Empire State Building - - it will build up enough momentum to kill someone it lands on at the bottom...............
How about on old BEN's Grave. That where I grew mine.
My first visit to the US Mint and Franklin's grave (which is across the street from the Mint) was in 1973. People were placing cents on his grave even back then. I think the graveyard uses the funds to help pay for upkeep.
I never knew his tombstone was cracked. That is sad.
Not an 8 reales?
Latin American Collection
Latin American Collection
That's where all those 8Rs you bought on ebay need to go....
I myself am not in favor of polluting one of our most beautiful natural sites. But to each his own.
'Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery'
CU #3245 B.N.A. #428
Good point. Some of those pieces were really nasty.....
I threw a coin off a mountain in the Alps, into a ravine at the bottom of a waterfall in Hawaii, and various other places.
I've never thrown a coin into a hole that deep, but I've certainly dug myself into deeper ones.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at USPatterns.com.
I wonder if the same old urban legend holds true there as for dropping a penny off the Empire State Building - - it will build up enough momentum to kill someone it lands on at the bottom...............

How about on old BEN's Grave. That where I grew mine.
My first visit to the US Mint and Franklin's grave (which is across the street from the Mint) was in 1973. People were placing cents on his grave even back then. I think the graveyard uses the funds to help pay for upkeep.
I never knew his tombstone was cracked. That is sad.
Nice photo! My favorite place I’ve visited.
My only donation was at the gift shop and restaurant.
A: The year they spend more on their library than their coin collection.
A numismatist is judged more on the content of their library than the content of their cabinet.