Greatest athlete from each decade 1950-2020

in Sports Talk
Who is your greatest athlete for each decade from the year 1950-2020
1950s - Rocky Marciano
1960s - Bill Russell
1970s - Muhammad Ali
1980s - Joe Montana
1990s - Michael Jordan
2000s - Tom Brady
2010s - Tom Brady
I must confess, the list above is a scam, a lie, a fraud! This is my actual list:
1950s - Tom Brady
1960s - Tom Brady
1970s - Tom Brady
1980s - Tom Brady
1990s - Tom Brady
2000s - Tom Brady
2010s - Tom Brady
1950- roger bannister
1960- joe namath
1970-muhammad ali
1980- magic johnson
2000- kobe
2010- brady
Tom Brady wasn't born until 1977. So how was it possible for him to be the greatest athlete in the 50's and 60's?
Some may say it wouldn't be possible in the 70's either. But i could envision Brady throwing touchdown passes at two years old in some sort of very pee-wee football league.
Oh, I beg to differ. Tom Brady is a lot older than you might think, in fact, those of us who know the hidden truth about Tom Brady might say, he's ancient.
1970's - Bruce Jenner, now known as Caitlyn.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
1950s - Minnie Minoso
1960s - Bill Mazeroski
1970s - Gene Tenace
1980s - Ken Anderson
1990s - Craig Biggio
2000s - Sergei Zubov
2010s - Jordan Spieth
Couldn't squeeze Santo in could ya?
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
1950s: Mickey Mantle
1960: Jim Brown
1970: Bruce Jenner
1980: Wayne Gretzky
1990: Michael Jordan
2000: Tom Brady
2010: Tom Brady
Yes, Bill Mazeroski in one at bat for a few seconds was the greatest athlete during those few seconds of that decade. 😉
As Athlete of the Century, Santo is not eligible for all-decade honors.
1950's Mantle
1960's Ali
1970's Nicklaus
1980's Gretzky
1990's Jordan
2000's Woods
2010's James or Brady. I'm undecided.
I guess one could switch Ali and Nicklaus in either the 60's or 70's I suppose . Wanted to get them both in
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
So many good choices. It is easy to give the benefit of the doubt to our favorite when it is close.
1950s Mantle
1960s Brown
1970s Nicklaus
1980s Gretzky
1990s Jordan
2000s Woods
2010s James
2020s Brady (Honorable mention)
I would be reluctant to put any golfer at the top of the list of greatest athletes.
When the greatest physical athletic accomplishment you can do during the course of competing
in your chosen sport is walk at a brisk pace, then I'm sorry but you're not the greatest
athlete of your decade.
As an example, Jack Nicklaus vs. Dave Winfield in the 1970's.
Jack Nicklaus would be better at golf than Winfield.
Dave Winfield would be better at baseball, football, basketball, boxing, all track and field events,
tennis, water polo, lacrosse, badminton, speed skating, dodgeball, mountain biking, Alpine skiing,
Racquetball, beach volleyball, Taekwondo, hockey, bull riding, Greco Roman wrestling, rowing,
fencing, handball, and ultimate frisbee than Nicklaus.
So comparing golfers to legitimate all around athletes simply doesn't compute.
I agree. Putting tiger is the best of the decade is tough but damn if he is not an icon
In my opinion, you cannot disparage one sport like this while comparing it to another in this type of conversation. If you do, the whole thing just goes off the rails. Again, just my opinion.
I love bowling, but they're not athletes.
Terry Bradshaw was AMAZING!!
Ignore list -Basebal21
jim brown
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Thisistheshow- I'm not disparaging golf, its a great sport more people should play it.
Great exercise especially if you walk the course and don't use a cart.
But I don't retract what I said, the title of the thread is 'greatest athlete' and there is no way
Nicklaus can compare to Winfield as an athlete.
If golf is being considered by some, shouldn't chess and perhaps even checkers be considered? I mean moving the pieces around the board and placing them in the right spot, does require a certain amount of athletic dexterity.
Even poker could be considered. The physical challenge of picking up the dealt cards a number of times throughout a session, and the physical requirement of grabbing a handful of chips and throwing them into the proper betting area on the table when you've got pocket aces, requires both athletic skill and mental concentration.
I like this list, except I would substitute Secretariat for Bruce Jenner.
Little known story that Bruce Jenner actually wanted to be transformed into a horse, but the doctors told him it wasn't possible, so he chose something else.
You sure you’re not confusing this with the little known story about Kylie and a horse ? She loves horses.
I don't follow the personal lives of any of them. For example the Kardashians, i might be the only one on this planet who has never watched one of their shows. It just never interested me.
One time as a kid, I'm out in LA with the fam, and my rich uncle is a member of the Friars Club. He invited us to breakfast there, and in the large room were all sorts of movie stars and comedians, just enjoying breakfast. Finest breakfast all ya can eat spread i ever saw. Well, while my family was idolizing all the celebrities, i was chowing down and focused on the next plate of delicious food i was going to devour. LOL
maybe the best post ever. that astute answer for the 2010s may or may not have something to do with it.
btw i don't know if you caught wind of this dallas, but last week it came to light that Jordan broke a bone in his hand back in early 2018. no excuses for 3 dark years, he just tried to fight thru it after it (not surprisingly) altered his swing. now he is showing signs of emerging from the out for him starting in 9 days.
his chosen method of addressing that adversity (keeping it under wraps and not complaining) just cements why he is my favorite
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Ok, who is this?
I did see that and I had two thoughts. First, I wanted to strangle him; just get the damn hand fixed you idiot! Second, while he has certainly gotten better this year, the broken hand was only one of his problems. Spieth, for the recent past, has been the single worst golfer on tour on Sundays. I don't buy the hand excuse affecting his play on weekends but not on weekdays. Also, while I don't have the stats to back it up, if Spieth isn't the worst golfer on tour for putts of six feet or less, he's got to be close. Does a broken hand make it hard to putt from 5 feet away, but not from 25 feet (where Spieth remains one of the very best)?
I'm glad the hand problem seems to be fixed or at least improving, but Spieth also has a choke problem, and I'm still waiting to see that one get any better. And just for context, I'm a Spieth fan, and I watch every tournament he's in and root for him. The missed gimme putts (like on 16 just this past weekend against Kuchar) and the weekend meltdowns are making it harder and harder to watch him, though.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Maybe but I was asking about the Woman 🤷♂️😂
Oh. I didn't notice
I think that's Kylie Jenner. Not positive. If my wife was home I would ask her. Then again she would ask why I was asking. She might not believe it was a Sports Forum related question. No way am I asking
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
1950s: Mickey Mantle
1960: Jim Brown
1970: Secretariat
1980: Wayne Gretzky
1990: Michael Jordan
2000: Tom Brady
2010: Lebron
Love it.
1950s Jim Brown
1960s Wilt Chamberlain
1970s Dave Winfield
1980s Bo Jackson
1990s Michael Jordan
2000s Tom Brady
2010s Lebron James
PS I'm taking personal liberty and adding the 1940's because ultra all around athlete Jackie Robinson belongs on the list.
scoop there it is
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Let's not forget tiddlywinks.
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Apparently what Spieth needed was for me to bitch about him in a public forum. No missed gimme putts, not weekend meltdown, and his first win since 2017. Way to go, Jordan, and on to the Masters!
50s - Mickey Mantle
60s - Muhammad Ali
70s - Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
80s - Wayne Gretzky
90s - Michael Jordan
00s - Cristiano Ronaldo
10s - Floyd Mayweather
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
So looks like everyone agrees with me.
I win!
Curious about the rare, mysterious and beautiful 1951 Wheaties Premium Photos?
1950's Willie Mays
1960's (tie) Jim Brown, Muhammed Ali, Wilt Chamberlain
1970's OJ Simpson
1980's Jerry Rice/Wayne Gretzky
1990's Michael Jordan
2000's Tom Brady
2010's Lebron James