Tiki Barber was pretty darn good

in Sports Talk
Check out this fun little snack video of Tiki Barber in action. It's what I like to call a snack video, sit down with a Pepsi and a Reese's Egg snack and enjoy the show!
Yes, he was.
Once Tom Coughlin taught him how to carry a football.
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He just missed out on a Super Bowl win. Didn’t he criticize Manning or something and just retire? He was still on top of his game when he retired if I remember correctly
Sort of.
Tiki and Eli didn’t get along and Tiki started to believe he was bigger than the team. He was one of the all time great Giants until his last year when he did a 180 on the entirety of his life - and he paid the price for it, too.
He lives in the next town over and I see him running fairly often.
Sad story for people that watched his career about how fame goes to peoples heads.
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Yea it’s a shame, I’m not judging but he left his wife when she was pregnant for some 20 year old hottie which I’m sure he took a fierce financial hit through divorce, I think he is still with the younger girl so hopefully he is happy.