My wife is ruining it all!

in Sports Talk
I'm trying to cut back on the bad foods, and since it's getting near time for Easter, they have these at Wal-Mart, and she keeps buying bags of them, knowing I can't resist their pull!
They're evil. They're evil I say!
Found this solid 3 footer of you as a kid. Is this where you developed your chocolate crazy?
You can still get this one for a paltry $345...should take you well into football season.
Might require a few dental appointments, but, hey, a guys gotta have his chocolate.
Better check and see if the wife offering these evil edibles, recently upped the payout value of your life insurance policy.
If she brings Cadbury Creme Eggs home, then I'm in serious trouble. She knows I love these little tiny egg shaped legends.
I love the mini peanut butter cups frozen. I have a fridge in my man cave and I put them in the ice dispenser so they come out automatically frozen.
That dog has a sad look... begging the question to the owner... what did I do to be humiliated like this?
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Nobody can eat just one. I limit myself to 8 a day, which is torture.
I love those. Same brand too. They're great. Really great!
Gentleman, I give you, deep fried Cadbury Creme Eggs. It is a Cadbury Creme Egg inside of a deep fried dough, with powdered sugar on the outside!
I also love these tiny chickadee little legends. You get 10 chickadees in each box!
Try the Trader Joe ones. Crack pretzels
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Mr. Reese had 16 children and worked for Milton Hershey in Hershey PA. He was let go by the company and had 16 mouths to feed during tough economic times. He began making and selling his own chocolates to support his family.
Canned peanut butter was new during this time in the 1920s.
Mr. Reese perfected the design of the cup and began selling them like hot cakes in the town of Hershey.
A short time later Milton Hershey made a deal where Reese would work for the company again, keep a certain amount of rights to the product, and have Hershey mass produce the product.
It became the most popular candy of all time.
What a man can do when the chips are down and the good lord on his side.
But they are Delicious 😋
They are addictive as crack! I scrape the salt off some of them in between
Too delicious, definitely the GOAT of candy. I must confess, I'm eating one right now!
And here he is, the man himself, a true genius Mr. H.B. Reese, the inventor of the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. He is a true genius, Leonardo Da Vinci is a joke compared to Mr. Reese. A joke I say!
Yeah, but Dallas would tell you he's not that vital towards your enjoyment of the cup. He would say that the factory worker is much more important than Mr. Reese is.
the reeses egg is truly the greatest incarnation of the reeses cup. followed closely by the peanut butter cup Christmas tree.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
The last candy I had at the house for just me was Mike & Ikes and Hot Tamales, fruit and cinnamon, mix them together and it's a surprise, a delicious sweet surprise of flavor.
I never knew until this day that this forum was infested with salt and sugar addicts.
C'mon Steve, since it's getting near time for Easter, have a tasty little treat. Indulge, come over to our side this Easter, and have a taste. I recommend the Cadbury Creme Egg. Just look at the Cadbury bunny with his basket of delights, surely you can't say no to the Cadbury bunny.
My wife never buys things like this . You must live in an opposite universe. 😂😂
You're one of those street corner chocolate pushers i've read about aren't you?
Well okay, I'll stop by later today to pick up 5 grams of chocolate.
The regular Cadbury creme eggs are too sweet. But I love the Chocolate ones and the Caramel ones
I'm a terrible sugar addict. I quit eating processed sugar and flour five years ago. Made a HUGE difference in my life.
See @stevek, DD and I couldn't be the same person. with our diets. But have you and I ever been seen in the same room together? ;-)
Very wise Todd when you quit eating processed sugar and flour. It made a huge difference in your life, and the good news is that huge difference will continue as you get older. I think most folks may not know about the brutal long term effects this processed food has on our internal organs, especially the liver and kidneys.
Having read a number of books and a lot of articles about nutrition, I am convinced that poor diet is the number one cause of folks dying too young from cancer and other assorted diseases.
The interesting thing is when adjusting our eating habits to eat healthy, we eventually lose the desire for these bad foods. For example I had quit eating chocolate a long time ago but i'm not neurotic about having some again if in a social situation. In which a few years ago i was at a wedding and at the reception they were serving those little Hershey kisses as some sort of celebratory thing or whatever. No problem, i unwrapped the little silver foil on it, popped it in my mouth and surprisingly i practically gagged on it. Couldn't stand the taste, and politely turned the other way, grabbed a napkin, and spit it out into the napkin.
So it was interesting to experience how my taste buds had changed to physically reject a harmful substance, and perhaps it was a bit mental as well.
Has anyone ever seen Cliff Clavin and stevek in the same room together either?
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
8? Holy crap, you have the willpower of 20 people. 8 is a starter pack for me!
Now, you have to be careful about what you say around Peeps because these little guys are always listening. They know when someone is bad-mouthing them.
Breaking news @doubledragon
Yeah, it's torture. I know if I didn't restrain myself I'd go from 210 lb to needing a crane to get out of bed.
@DrBuster's Mike's and Ike's and Hot Tamales are made by the folks that bring you Peeps. Go figure
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
This is awsome, I'm going to try this. Let's get this photo out here for the world to see. History is being made here!
Liquid Peeps?!
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Just look at this work of art. It's breathtaking.
Oh my goodness!
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I'm also freaking out. As a hardcore fan of both Pepsi and Peeps, it is my duty to tell the world!
Just remember, they're listening. They know when they're being bad-mouthed.
my sincere apologies in advance for being the thread buzzkill, but....
those cadbury cream eggs look really, really disgusting. like snot oozing out of a piece of roast beef inside a doughnut hole with cocaine sprinkled on it
and please don't get me started on peeps. if you wanna make me ralph like a champion, force me to eat one of those
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I don’t even like Peeps but because of this thread I will take a sip of peep Pepsi lol. And @galaxy27 agreed
The Peeps heard that!
Thank you Woody.
Wow, what do you know. I always thought PB cups were discovered when Hershey was eating a chocolate bar and bumped into someone eating peanut butter and got peanut butter on his chocolate; and the other guy got Hershey’s chocolate all over his peanut butter. And it turned out to be a great taste!
Dairy based drink.
O M G. Nirvana.
I've noticed at one of my favorite convenience stores that Reese's has a lot of new products but I don't really
think you can improve on perfection except for this.
Go big or go home! My favorite midday energy boost......
Take your favorite cookies and cream ice cream and smash a Reese’s cup in it.