Drew Brees joining SNF

in Sports Talk
Drew Brees is joining the Sunday Night Football crew on NBC. According to reports, NBC has established a succession plan for Mike Tirico and Drew Brees to take over for Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth in the booth after Super Bowl 56 on February 6th 2022.
I can live without seeing Cris Collinsworth, but where am I going to get my Al Michaels fix?
Tirico/Brees will be a great tandem
sayonara CC
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I can’t stand Collinsworth but I do like Al Michaels.
This Al Michaels thing is already starting to cause me stress. I was thinking about it and spilled coffee on my shirt, now I have to change shirts!
I love me some al michaels as well
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
something else I find interesting is all the ex athletes who say they are retiring to spend more time with family (the vid with his kids) and then promptly going out and getting another job.
I would think most of these guys have enough money to very comfortably take care of themselves for the rest of their lives.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
That is very odd, they're going to be on the road traveling to games just like if they were playing. 😂
Can we get rid of Joe Buck? Please?
I can definitely support Cris Collinsworth being replaced with Drew Brees. Collinsworth gets in my nerves a lot, I hate the Collinsworth slide, when he slides in next to Al Michaels in a very sneaky and devious way.
Again with the sneaky and devious slide, this time from the other side of Al.
It still begs the question, where am I going to get my Al Michaels fix after February 6th 2022? I can already see, I won't be sleeping tonight!
Now back to Collinsworth, I can't count how many times I've heard him say the line, "now here's a guy". If I had a dollar for everytime I've heard him say "now here's a guy", then I'd be a rich dragon!
And the proud owner of many more Joe Louis cards!
Put me in the camp of not liking Al Michael's or CC. They remind me of these guys who's time passed by
DD- please note I still expect a Christmas card
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I do wish Al Michaels would take Cris Collinsworth aside and slap him around the next time he says that line. Just slap him around a little Al.
Stop saying "now here's a guy"!
Or this
Speaking of Christmas
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Or this, take him to hell Al.
Nothing like real wrestling
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I see this more as taking a part time job in retirement and in Brees' case, most likely to just fund charitable giving. There's no way it's nearly as much time dedicated. Basically a fly in Friday night/Saturday morning, fly home Sunday night/Monday morning kinda gig. No weight room, practices, training camp, pre-season, etc. and I guarantee the film room time is much less also.
This Al Michaels thing is already taking it's toll on me. I just got mustard on my shirt. There goes another shirt, that's two today!
Classic!!! 👏
I'm running low on shirts here, and NBC doesn't care!
Hello creeps, it's your old pal, the crypt keeper.
Possibly although I definitely believe it’s not money driven especially in Brees case but committed to nearly every Sunday would get old with most Wives I would think
17/52 for likely a decent % of what he was making when playing with far less time commitment. I'm sure they'll survive and Purdue/New Orleans will be appreciative of still getting huge donations.
I dont want anyone to think that having a job when you have kids is a bad thing. I just find explaining retirement as having time with the family and then getting a job less than a week later a bit disingenuous.
to be a successful analyst is more than a weekend gig. it takes a lot of film watching and prep.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Bosh, bosh I say!
Far less than being an NFL QB though, no? And much of the prep can be done at home, no? The job was lined up months ago, and again this is like going from 5% of the most important guy on a football team to a Walmart greeter. It's cush compared to what he's been doing for decades.
he will be working a fair amount during the season. work done at home is still work and you are not present while you are doing it. again, work all you want but don't make it seem that you are retiring to spend time at home with the fam. if that's the goal, Drew certainly has the means to do it.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
OK, we've registered the second most stupid comment I've ever read here. Are you really trying to take the entire top 10? I'm sorry Coin and DIME aren't here to help, but wow.
I challenge you to find a more generous QB, ever, base it on % of income even. This decision gives him immensely more time with his family than being the NO QB next year. I work from home and find time to do laundry while working and spend time with my son having lunch with him (when he's out of school). Yes, it's much more time with his family and to pretend it's not is total TB12 homerism. absotively notarino.
has nothing to do with being generous. it has everything to do with being disingenuous. If drew wants time with his fam, that's great. he is in a fantastic position to do it. all the time. don't make it seem important then take a job you don't need.
by the way, the personal insults are making you come across in the young teenager/tweener demographic. not a good look for you there bud. maybe if you made better points you wouldn't feel the need to insult.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I didn't feel the need to reach out personally. Nuff said, and quit whining (like a teenager would), unless you can show TB12 being a fraction as generous. Good day, sir!
@LarkinCollector... seems a bit over the top for this discussion.
weird that he'd make such a big deal of the "time with family" and then be gone for close to half the weekends, days when the children would be at home from school. I tend to agree that he'll still need to spend time working, prep time for each game. I wonder why it's so difficult for these jocks to fade from the spotlight into retirement??
I dunno know he's 40. He will still have time to pack a few lunches for brood. He gets to still be involved in the sport he loves. Gets paid. Gets out of the house. Seems like the perfect transition.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Will be looking forward to the change in the booth. As Al Michaels likes to frequently overdo interjecting the word: This is "HUGE" news.
Not good, not good at all. NBC Sports executive producer Sam Flood is saying that Drew Brees will be calling Notre Dame games in the booth with Mike Tirico, but Cris Collinsworth will continue to call games in the booth on SNF for a long time. That's right, Collinsworth is going to remain in the booth on SNF.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......