How would you split the following 50 oz. purchase of silver?

I currently live in Colombia and it's very hard to buy silver here (especially North American minted). Unfortunately, the big dealers such as APMEX, JM Bullion, etc. do not ship here.
However, I recently came across a seller on Mercado Libre (our version of Ebay/Amazon) who has lots of silver he purchased at APMEX in 2012 when he visited the U.S. I would like to purchase 50 ounces from him. He has the following silver in stock, all selling at the same price per troy ounce:
- 2012 - 1 oz Canadian Moose Silver Coin (seller has 30 in stock)
- 1 oz Silver Bar - Walking Liberty Design (he has 30 in stock)
- 1 oz Silver Bar - Buffalo (seller has 70 in stock)
How would you split 50 silver ounces between these three choices? Which would be more liquid later on when I decide to sell? (I intend to hold silver for a few decades at least). The seller is willing to sell any of the following choices at spot price and all three at the same price (no premiums), not matter any of these choices. Thank you for any help!
Take all the government issued $5 coins and the rest,a bar of your choice.
1 oz bars are the lowest form of silver so go with the meeses first
I would go government minted pieces before generic items too. Just be careful on the generic in terms of authenticity when buying.
75 Positive BST transactions buying and selling with 45 members and counting!
I like the Canadian stuff.
As your buying in person, make sure you check out the items before you buy for authentication
learn what a real Moose Coin looks like, then ... if they are real... buy the Moose Coins
Asked the seller for more pictures of the Moose coins. They look real after seeing them.

All the moose, rest in whatever you like better.
Big moose.
I would buy the Canadian coins... and stop there. However, if you are going to complete the 50oz., I would stick with the Liberty bars. Cheers, RickO