Can I escape the dreaded details grade ?
When I submit this coin what will it grade in you opinion?
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Only if you send it to NNC
Latin American Collection
Is that really the coin you want in your collection?
I’d rather go without that date than have that coin. Life is too short to have to look at that more than once.
Based on my recent experience.... no.
My current "Box of 20"
Not in a millenia.
doubtful... I would rather see the coin in hand. There are obvious planchet flaws. There is something to be said about owning a coin that captures all the problems that plagued the various mints in Mexico. This coin really has a certain charm as to its historical significance. Most collectors are just not willing to look at this one through that lens which is an unfortunate. Most collectors have historical challenges with the mintage process low on their priorities in favor of eye appeal and what matters to those that make the market.
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It's a "detail" coin all the way.
Not a coin that is appealing to the "market" but the market changes and Central and South America silver is certainly on the come up
Mainer in Virginia.
It's a detail for me but not because of the planchet but the "staining"
I looked closely at the “staining “ and I thought it to be not big deal
I had another 8 reales grade ( no details grade ) with a rubber band mark across the reverse
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I am thinking if you send it under the mint error tier would get graded. It does not seem to be damage, rather a planchet fault.
Only one way to find out😀
"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."
Jim Elliot
The planchet flaw shouldn't be an issue. The "stains" could be. Is the dark area in the center of the stains foreign material sitting on top of the surface of the coin? If so, conservation is in order. If it ate into the metal, it's probably hopeless. And if it's just discoloration, it could get a straight grade.
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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In my eyes the coin has corrosion. Could be the pictures and I hope I'm wrong.
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I doubt you will always land the highest graded coins. Would you not be happy to have the ones you can get and the rest in the grades you also can get. At least get to your goal of a complete series or close to it.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
No I would not be happy.
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Then you have your answer I would just stick with the grades that make you happy. Anything else just let them go by.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
This coin does not look up to your goal as far as standards are concerned. Why have it graded?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Cause I think it has a shot to straight grade 😊
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Sure why not but most likely not mint state like you like them. Hey give it a try and see.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I thought you read RESPLANDORES
Look again how D&P describe the availability of this date and mint .
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I did but never said I was near master level just a newbie still. I will look at it this evening. You know way more than I do. Reading a book once versus 6-7 years and all the time you spent collecting and searching I am not even close to that level of knowledge. I have zero problem admitting it either.
And I accept the fact I may never know them all by hearth either it's a lot of information and then there is the 1732-1821 series then the Hooknecks and Pesos may take me a decade or more to be where you at your level.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I just looked it up it says scarce for the date and mint but only becomes rare to very in certain grades. I do not believe it will grade up to the very rare level.
Am I missing or not looking at it properly is there something that makes it rare or rarer?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Meaning finding nice specimen that’s not necessarily mint state would be fine with me .😊
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OK that is what I thought just was not sure. Then give it shot.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
What does availability have to do with the condition of any particular example? Are you thinking that a scarce date with problems should straight grade when a common date with the same problems wouldn't?
Not at all .
Your question about availability and condition of any particular example tells me your apparently not familiar with this series .
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If you say so. Carry on.
Can we talk about what is going on with the metal? Your photos make it seem like the discoloration is the result of the planchet issue.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
sure, I thought Mr Eureka sums it up.....
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He just mentioned it in the context of grading. I meant in the context of the minting process.
This makes it look like that semi-circular area is a ribbon of metal that wasn't in the original melt that got bonded through the planchet preparation process. Doesn't it seem like there is a seam in the metal next to the void?
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
I think you may be right . If so would it straight grade in your opinion ?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
I have no idea what the PCGS policies are. I personally would not straight grade it. The damage on the rim and the discoloration, even if it occurred before the coin was struck, warrants some kind of acknowledgement. I feel like it would be misleading if it was in the same holder as another coin without that.
I also have the belief that PCGS should be giving registry points to details coins. I don't think a details holder should be the kiss of death that it sometimes seems to be.
IG: DeCourcyCoinsEbay: neilrobertson
"Numismatic categorizations, if left unconstrained, will increase spontaneously over time." -me
A grader is not necessarily well versed in these minting processes and you need to have both graders to agree on a straight grade or you are sunk.