1791 trade Dollar Fake

This date was never made for trade dollars so obvious fake. Could we get this one taken down?
Also new seller to boot
This date was never made for trade dollars so obvious fake. Could we get this one taken down?
Also new seller to boot
What are the telltale signs on this one? Looks pretty good to me.
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
i honestly thought you were serious at first. smh
Wouldn’t this qualify as a fantasy piece?
There are lots of them on eBay.. impossible dates.
Not with ONE DOLLAR and UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, law is real clear.
I think it’s allowed as long as it’s a fantasy date..
Are you talking about the OP 1791 Trade Dollar? Still a counterfeit!
i really don't want to read the whole thing (again) but let me say, the terms of the HPA and other governing laws surrounding numismatics are quite thorough. Being instituted in 1973, now that i see that, it makes sense that items created before that year are exempt. I heard 1972 as the actual year but now i see they are related. a side point. (1898 for firearms?)
here is how it starts:
16 CFR Part 304
Rule Summary:
The Hobby Protection Act, passed by Congress in 1973, covers imitation political items (e.g., buttons, posters, stickers, etc.), as well as imitation numismatic items (e.g., various coins, tokens, paper money, commemorative medals) that are required to be marked with certain identifying information in an effort to flag them as imitations. The FTC’s Rule establishes the size of the required disclosures, their location, and the manner in which items may be marked.
this goes on, in-depth, about what can and cannot be on these items. IIRC, this (as stated above) covers items using United States of America. i think even denomination but you ALL should read this for yourselves.
personally, i would even more strict than they are simply so the waters wouldn't be so muddy. i love period counterfeit items for what they are, not that i like that they were made as it was to rip someone off and gain from it. fantasy pieces of any kind, to me, simply causes the public and dealers MUCH time wasted. i'll admit i'm a bit hard on this issue and it is a bit hypocritical as i do like the older counterfeits, which still cause their own amount of headaches (and joy).
this post really isn't directed at you kiyote but just an fyi and encouragement for those that haven't, to at least peruse these governing laws to get a feel/understanding for what they cover and to some extent why. i'm also not certain how much lack of knowledge will help someone in a court of law when they send something both parties know about and are ok with but are not in compliance. that one takes precedence to me over someone being ripped off and can be avoided by spending a little time reading. i've just supplied one of the links. then once enough of us read some/all of it and it gets shared from time-to-time here and abroad, the better off we will all be.
for my part, i will make a point of going through ebays policy again to see where they officially fall on numismatic items as of 2021.
can be exhausting but it is good to be at least somewhat up-to-date.
I'm not too prideful to ask about the diagnostics of a counterfeit, but it'll have to be a wee bit better than that one for me to do so...
Listing is gone now.... Good work. Thanks for the picture....The more collectors know - and that includes reading the above links - the more we, as a group, can contribute to the control and reduction of these counterfeits. Obviously, we will never eliminate them. No law prevents a crime, merely defines the crime and often outlines punishment. However, if we make it painful/difficult to move these fakes within the hobby, it will discourage some of the crooks and make them look elsewhere for illicit gains. Cheers, RickO