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TSNS Show Report

goldengolden Posts: 9,747 ✭✭✭✭✭

The Tennessee State Numismatic Association holds a show each year in March and November at the Camp Jordan Arena in Chattanooga ( East Ridge ) just a mile from the Georgia state line. There is plenty of free parking.

The show last March was probably the last large show ( 100 ) tables or more that was held before everything shut down. I remember being at the show and seeing 2 or 3 people wearing masks. I thought that was so strange. Little did I know that it would soon be the new norm. The show was also held in November of last year without any problems.

I left the house early Friday morning for the drive to the show. After an hour I stopped at Hardee's for breakfast. I arrived just after the show had opened. There was a very nice crowd at the show.

I started making my way around the show. At one table I saw a grading set of 1893-S Dollars in each grade from 3 to 40 all in PCGS holders except the 8 coin that was in an NGC slab. Cool. Another dealer had a set of Proof Sets in individual PCGS slabs from 1936 to 1942. I saw two $50 slugs at different tables. I heard the lament of a lack of fresh coins at the show.

I saw David Kahn and we spoke for a short time. Also had a quick chat with Dennis Schafluetzel an ANA District Representative. I only saw one coin that I asked a dealer to take out of the case so I could get a closer look. It was an 1843-D $2.5 in a PCGS 40 old holder. The obverse was nice but I did not like the look of the reverse. I passed. After a few rounds of the bourse floor I saw nothing that I wanted to buy and headed for home.

I only saw one dealer and one collector that were wearing their mask in an incorrect ( down around their chin ) way. These shows can happen if everyone will cooperate. I enjoyed the show even if I did not buy anything. I hope to go to another show soon.


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