Interesting 1916 Standing Liberty Quarter
My wife was going through her jewelry box last night and came across this. I didn't even know she had it. We met Mr. Cline at the 2014 Atlanta ANA show. He wasn't busy so we stopped and chatted for quite a while. My wife talked him out of his last copy of the Coin Dealer Newsletter that had the article by him and she even got him to autograph it for me. While I wasn't looking he gave her this 1916 SL quarter advertising piece so now it is mine and I just wanted to share it.
Mr. Cline was a heck of a man and truly extremely knowledgeable about Standing Liberty Quarters but also coins in general. Very personable and I regret that I never ran in to him again.
Very Nice, I always like to get interesting items like this. ( I never met him but have his book.)
Mr. Cline was THE authority on the Standing Liberty Quarter.
I thought I had one but when checking discovered it is a 1823/2 from another dealer (medallic alignment)
Nice items to 'find' tucked away within one's possessions. Cheers, RickO