ever have a bizarre sports-related dream?

in Sports Talk
had one last night. let me preface this by saying that I wouldnt necessarily have called myself a fan, but during the Harden experiment I came pretty close with the Rockets. went to a lot of games. well, after the Harden-Westbrook flame out and after covid hit and after the NBA started up with its nonsense, i literally stopped following the sport altogether.
but clearly the team is buried in my subconscious, because last night I dreamed that John Wall scored 262 points in a game and the Rockets still lost. i woke up long enough to mutter "wtf", then went back to sleep.
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You mean that 29 I shot on the front 9 of Sawgrass wasn't real?
I once dreamt I could throw a football over that mountain...
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I once dreamt that I was Suzy Kolber doing a Monday night football broadcast and Hall of Famer Joe Namath asked
to kiss me, and I said yes. I swear I woke up and washed my mouth a hundred times before going back to bed.
^^^ ok, you win the internet today!!
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
True - I have a dream sometimes where i miss the football team bus going to an away football game with my high school team. Then i get into my car and can't find the other school's playing field.
Mantle said he often had dreams about going to Yankee Stadium at game time, but the stadium was locked, he couldn't get in.
Believe it or not, every human has similar types of dreams, of course with different characters depending on their life. I think the similar dream with me and Mantle may have had something to do with losing our youth, and not being able to play the game any longer.
Hmm, pretty sure CU hasn't created an Homoerotic Fanfic forum category yet, so I guess @Goldenage can lead the charge.
I dreamed I was Pascual Perez and was going to start a game in Atlanta and got lost.
I have all types of weird sports dreams. Some are a football related, some are boxing related. One time, I had a dream that I went up against Ivan Drago from Rocky IV. I kept hitting him and he was made of some type of titanium alloy material and my punches did no damage, so I ran out of the ring and hid in a janitors closet. Dreams are weird stuff.
Do sports forum related nightmares count? ;-)
You mean like a moderator trying to delete bad posts, but after doing all the deletion work, the bad posts still appear on the forum? Now that's a waking up with a cold sweat nightmare from a forum moderator if there ever was one.
...while sitting in the office and only wearing boxer shorts? Sure, you can certainly add that to the list.
Actually that's another similar dream that we all have, except for usually it's we're naked in a place we shouldn't be naked. LOL
Usually it means we're trying to hide something, as all of us do in one way or another, having our little secrets about our lives.
Now that you mentioned it.........I dreamed that I was on the U.S. Olympic Women's swim team. I was standing there at the edge of the pool waiting for the gun and then I noticed that my swimsuit didn't quite fit right and while I was fiddling around with it trying to make the proper adjustments the starting gun went off and I jumped into the water. But......you know how dreams are......no matter how hard I tried to swim I just didn't move. It's like those dreams where you're running but you don't go anywhere. Next thing I know I'm driving a semi truck and pulling into the 76 Truck-O-Rama truck stop in Buttonwillow, California. I was still wearing my Olympic swim suit WITH a gold medal now hanging around my neck! I pulled up to the pump and felt a bit uncomfortable about going inside for coffee because I might be a little out of place in my outfit. I went inside anyway and while the waitress was admiring my gold medal the next thing I know I'm jumping out of an airplane with no parachute! SCARY! I look down and there's the Grand Canyon! I fell into the Colorado River in some terrible rapids but since I was a world class swimmer at that point it was no problem. I still had on my swimsuit. Somehow I got down river to Boulder Dam and from there I thumbed a ride to Las Vegas with a van full of nuns who were going to a Nun convention in Vegas! What luck! The head nun driver pulled up to the entrance to the Golden Nugget Casino and I went inside. I was STILL wearing my swimsuit but nobody seemed to notice. It was Las Vegas after all. I went over to the slots, sat down to play and started feeling cold because of my lack of clothing and the a.c. was blasting away! That's when I noticed that I didn't have any coins to put in the slot machine. I started to panic but then I remembered about my gold medal. So....it was like a really big coin so I used it, pulled the lever and......JACKPOT! Sirens, flashing lights, the works! That's when the waitress from Buttonwillow showed up. Only now she wasn't a waitress anymore she was a Vegas Showgirl with a tray of cocktails and a bag of money. Just for me!........next thing I know I'm standing along side the road, still in my swimsuit, in Baker, California staring at the World's Biggest Thermometer! The temperature read 687°! Then I woke up and took some Alka-Seltzer. You did ask.
I had a dream one time that I ran a car wash with Dennis Rodman. That turned out well!
i think i need to have a word with the lovely mrs hydrant
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
You guys could have started an act, or a TV show DD and the Worm
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Was this you?

The Lovely Mrs. Hydrant is the truck stop waitress cutie turned Vegas showgirl. It's all her fault.
Row, row, row, your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily
Life is but a dream
More like....
Batman makes appearances every so often in my dreams, I always look forward to our adventures.
Are you Robin or Cat Woman? 👲😻
Hannibal Lecter was reading this thread and it frightened him.
I play the role of Robin, I'm usually the sidekick. I get to ride shotgun in the batmobile!
Never eat food in Buttonwillow. I'd rather eat the dead moths off my windshield.
I see Philadelphia Eagle helmets.

Then Vikings and Braves fans are throwing snowballs at their TV's blaming me for some stupid call on their field.
"Yes, it was a wrong call I kept yelling" and suddenly, in a instant I decided to,..."WAKE UP" !
Then the dancing girls came in...Na. Kidding
currently fighting a losing battle with insomnia and decided to log on in the middle of the night. just prior to hopping off i made the curious decision to read the post directly above this one. now i'm prepared for anything the rest of the night.
i can see it now, a water-cooler discussion in a few hours.....
"dude the weirdest thing happened to me last night. i had a dream that i was staring at a coin and saw Philadelphia Eagles helmets on it. then I looked at another coin and saw Vikings and Braves fans throwing snowballs at their TVs and blaming me for some stupid call on the field. i kept yelling, 'it was the wrong call!' then i woke up and some dancing girls barged into my room and we ate peeps in my bed."
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Naked ?
I've had this dream multiple times over the years that I was a closer for the Atlanta Braves and closing up a World Series game 7 winning victory when I get a routine tapper right back to me for the 27th and final out and low and behold I throw the ball over everyone and into the right field bleaches, as the winning run scores for the opponent! This happened on a team I played for as a youth though I wasn't involved in the play, I just watched helplessly from my outfield post and for some reason that ending to that game just won't ever leave me. lol
Dreamt that I won at the track.
so, over a year ago i had a dream that John Wall scored 262 points in a game and the Rockets still lost
had another last night and this one will, in all likelihood, affect my productivity at work today. i dreamt that i was having lunch with doubledragon and Phil Mickelson at a busy restaurant. i can close my eyes and still picture what double d looked like in my dream, but it does not match the man i saw in the picture on here many moons ago. like, he was a little heavier in my dream. then it dawned on me. ALL OF THOSE PATTI LABELLE PIES.
then the weirdness kicked in, as is usually the case in dreams. throughout lunch double d kept pulling out a hairbrush and using it. i remember thinking a couple of things. 1) man, double d has a nice head of hair. 2) why in the hell does he keep doing that?
as for Phil, he wouldn't say much of anything at the table. and it was absolutely killing me. even tepid followers of golf are waiting with bated breath for him to answer about 43890713458907 questions, but he is presently in golf exile.
lunch then ended. when i got up to leave the table, double d and Phil had vanished amid the sea of people. i went to pay and while standing in line a dude kept bumping into me. i finally turned to look at him (yes, i can still see his face.......no clue who he was) and he murmured something. thankfully, thankfully, THANKFULLY the dream ended there. pretty sure the last part was planted in my subconscious after the discussion about unruly types at golf tournaments yesterday.
moral of the story: be extremely, extremely, EXTREMELY careful with what you think about during the day, as it may very well come full circle in the form of a bizarre amalgamation the moment you close your eyes
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Lunch with DD and Phil. That's a heck of a dream...
if Aaron Rodgers had been in it i would have scheduled an appointment for some professional help
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I'm very honored to have been in your dream.
Even though I haven’t played in 30 years I sometimes dream I’m still playing ball. Just last week I dreamed I was trying out for an over 65 league.
"I spent 50% of my money on alcohol, women, and gambling. The other half I wasted.