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Error on 1911 P? LIBER(7 over T)Y?

Hi Folks

I'm new to Lincoln Penny collecting and have been purchasing Wheat Penny rolls to get started. The 1911 P came out of one of the rolls. I already have a nicer version of a 1911 P and was attempting to grade this one to resell it. While grading I noticed the word LIBERTY on the obverse side looks like LIBER7Y. On closer inspection in looks to me like a 7 was stamped on top of what was suppose to be a T. Its just weird. I've included pictures of both the obverse and reverse of the coin in question. I've also included a close up picture of LIBER7Y on the obverse. Finally I've included an obverse picture of my normal 1911 P.

Please let me know what you think. Error? Something common? Worth anything other than the $5-$6 I appraise a 1911 P in this condition?

Thank you

Obverse of 1911 P in question

Close up of LIBER7Y on 1911 P in question

Reverse of 1911 P in question

Normal 1911 P - The one I currently have in my book


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