Unfortunately, the plan was a multi volume encyclopaedia that was truncated (I think) by the passing on Mr Bailey. I have the first 2 volumes, and if the whole encyclopaedia was printed would be nice. I think that they 2 volumes are ok, but very sad of the truncated work. They are inexpensive, so ok.
Thanks I will pass then and buy the Yonaka book 1771-1821 and try and locate the one that covers 1732-1770.
The current Yonaka book on Mexican Pillars is for the fractional issues and does not cover the 8 reales, yet. I believe a new edition is in the works to include the 8’s.
Thanks I will pass then and buy the Yonaka book 1771-1821 and try and locate the one that covers 1732-1770.
The current Yonaka book on Mexican Pillars is for the fractional issues and does not cover the 8 reales, yet. I believe a new edition is in the works to include the 8’s.
Thanks I will buy it and learn more on the 1/2 reales and other series as long as it keeps me busy and I am learning I am a happy camper.
Unfortunately, the plan was a multi volume encyclopaedia that was truncated (I think) by the passing on Mr Bailey. I have the first 2 volumes, and if the whole encyclopaedia was printed would be nice. I think that they 2 volumes are ok, but very sad of the truncated work. They are inexpensive, so ok.
Would you mind showing some inside images just so I have an idea of what I am dealing with?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Thanks much appreciated is there a rarity scale for each coin?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Not really
Thanks I will pass then and buy the Yonaka book 1771-1821 and try and locate the one that covers 1732-1770.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
But I may still get this anyways just to see what new things I may learn.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
The current Yonaka book on Mexican Pillars is for the fractional issues and does not cover the 8 reales, yet. I believe a new edition is in the works to include the 8’s.
Latin American Collection
Thanks I will buy it and learn more on the 1/2 reales and other series as long as it keeps me busy and I am learning I am a happy camper.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers