How I Built a 7,000 World Coin Collection in 1 1/2 Yrs. for Free

1 1/2 years ago a simple phone call asking if a dealer had some world coins got it started. The dealer gave me the phone # of a local dealer who sold by the pound. I bought 20 lbs. for $100. Putting them in 2 x2s and putting them in binders and being a member of Numista made it easy to catalogue this first batch.
The great thing was that another dealer would give me $4 a pound for the cast offs. So over the next 18 months I bought and sold close to another 200 lbs. One batch of 100 lbs. I bought for $3 a lb. and sold for $4 a lb. You need to have Price Waterhouse to figure out the the bottom line but I know after selling some of the coins on ebay and buying several albums and 5000 2 x 2s and sheets to put them in I am about even.
With the ability to do swaps on Numista I have been able to build my World collection of:
1- 7,000 coins
a- 4,000 different 165 countries
b- 2,000 different second collection
c- 1,000 different third collection
2- 1,375 United Kingdom and Possessions
a- 790 dif.UK
b- 424 dif. Canada
c- 192 dif. Australia
d- 120 dif. Hong Kong
e- 120 dif. New Zealand
f- 429 dif. misc. colonies
3- Still have 60 plus old world copper coins to identify (photo below)
A world without coins "Chaos"
very impressive....
@rmuniak cool, I like it!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
Love that.
That's quite an accomplishment in a year and a half!
8 Reales Madness Collection
There's a ton of easily identifiable coins in your last photo.
Its the 10-15 that aren't that is the challenge and the fun. What coins can you identify?
A world without coins "Chaos"
Impressive, really. And sounds fun.
I never thought of valuing my collection in lbs.
Latin American Collection
@Boosibri still, I would be happy to have like 100 lbs of rare gold coins!
Coinsof1984@martinb6830 on twitter
I would change the Farthings label on the binder.
you noticed
A world without coins "Chaos"
A collection after my own heart!! Besides Whitman folders for Canada, Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, & Mexico, I have a bunch of binders like you, with countries in alphabetical order. In each, I have a wide range of dates && denominations - - I built up a "1-per-political phase-per-country" collection over a few year's time back maybe a decade or 2 (seems like a lifetime) ago.
It would be interesting to see what extras & "needs" you have for the 5 countries I listed above......
-- Dave
P.S. If you provide a few close-up pics of front & back of those 60 unidentified coins, I'm sure there'd be a bunch of amateur sleuths available to help whittle that list down really fast!!
Way to go
Keep on pounding, I mean, buy by the pound and sell it for profit and make your great collection.
There's quite a few Victorian coppers most likely from England. The pictures aren't great but French and Italian. I think I even see a couple of Canadian Large cents. As said above, post up some pictures of the ones you can't ID. Other than the few that are worn to oblivion I bet they all can be ID'd here.
If I have a problem I will definitely ask...Thanks guys and gals
A world without coins "Chaos"
You are out of touch 😁 in Mexico they call this Las monedas del kilo... and literally they sell them by weight.
My collection sucks the . Probably weighs less than 5lbs
Latin American Collection
is that all?
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Free of their plastic, probably
Latin American Collection
I have almost 1,700 coins from 477 places around the world but started in 1984. I have my coins in binders by continents but do have a binder for Canadian coins and one for British coins.