Looks like PCGS grading time is back to normal or even faster now

I submitted two orders recently. One received on 1/29 (13 coins) now moved to grading. Another one is received on 1/30 (10 coins) but moved very fast. It is shipped to me on 2/2. I can't believe that fast.
I hope so. My express order is on BD 12.
8 Reales Madness Collection
My show grading special took 2 days
Latin American Collection
I've recalibrated and been contemplating using ATS now for two reasons: 1) turnaround time doesn't appear to have been impacted as much and 2) I'm reading more press releases of noteworthy material being being graded there. Is this a new phenomenon? In any case, I'm happy for your report, and hope your experience is indicative of general improvement!
Is your photo showed up on PCGS site yet? Mine is not showing up.
Nope, been almost 2 weeks
Latin American Collection
really? Have you try to call pcgs?
I figure that they will post it sometime soon. If not next week I’ll email
Latin American Collection
I had two arrive on 1/13 one cross one regular grading. One's been stuck at encapsulation for 2 weeks the other stuck at quality check for same time. I'm hopeful the fact that the second is in quality check (and yesterday "being imaged" showed up) means it crossed I assume it does but until I see a grade pop won't be for certain.
I just placed a call but there are 65 caller ahead of me. If I get to talk to PCGS I will let you know what they have to say.
When you see being imaged you know at least one is crossed. I submitted 10 only 4 cross and the rest DNC.
Their photo processing is backed up. Last I heard was by about a week. Not the photography itself, but the post-processing activities like selection of the right image and formatting it into the templates, etc...
8 Reales Madness Collection
It's just one coin so that's good news! I figured at that stage with "being imaged" appearing I was good. Still not fist pumping yet tho!
It's a 18th century MS67 blazing white kreuzer so really wanna see that trueview (and decent change it will cross with an added PL at the end).
I talked to the PCGS. The customer Rep. did not know why. He said he will send out email to the person or group.
My photo is there now.
Day 13 in QA, all hope of grades fading, eyes going , F5 key worn, send grades.
https://numismaticmuse.com/ My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
Is it still within the turnaround estimation?
I'm at 16th Business Day on my current Express sub. 6th day in Encapsulation. Estimated turn-around is still 20 BD on Express, so i'll wait another week before pinging them.
8 Reales Madness Collection
I have three submissions, the walkthrough seems to be going quite fast. I listed a 1856 5 Lira as a 1 Lira, and I think they need time to correct, so I'll probably be in for the long haul there.
30 Business days in World Econ. 13th Business day in QA.
https://numismaticmuse.com/ My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
Walk throughs are the way to go! Scanned in 2/3, shipped 2/4.
Latin American Collection
My walkthrough submission looks like it is getting some weekend work. Moved from Received to Grading Saturday night
Latin American Collection
Walkthrough is very expensive.
Expensive coins
Latin American Collection