Tom Brady Hits the Bottle

in Sports Talk
I'm devastated I tell ya'. Devastated.
I'm devastated I tell ya'. Devastated.
Tom should have instead just beat up his wife like other NFL players do, then he wouldn't have gotten so hassled by the media over this.
@stevek Agreeing, Liking, or LOLing seems inappropriate, so I'll just say "Good post"
Brady is known for his as-of-late abstinence from alcohol. Combine that with everything else we know, and you get this. He responded online with a joke about avocado tequila. I have seen a lot of people saying they were happy to see this side of him. If I had to wager a guess, I believe he will eventually regret this display. Not that he needs to or will ever admit it most likely. We are all humans, and most of us know what happens when that guy who never drinks, and therefore can't handle his liquor, gets wasted. Fortunately Brady appeared to be a happy drunk. I am sure he said many things that he cannot remember. Many of those may be things he will one day wish he hadn't said if he ever learns of them.
As I have said before, I don't drink. Haven't for almost a decade. Seen it all, done it all, like many. Alcohol doesn't care if you are the GOAT, it takes control nonetheless, even if only for a fun afternoon on a boat in Tampa. Hopefully atleast one person's life will be positively influenced or saved by seeing what happened here and by hearing the, hopefully, honest dialogue around it.
Now, back to Sports Talk
brady looks like he just drank an entire bottle of boone's
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
Tom: “Where we going?”
Attendant: “We called an Uber for you to get home and it just arrived”
Tom: “But I don’t want to go home yet”
Attendant: “It’s for the best, you’ve had too much to drink today”
Tom: “I love you ,man”
Attendant: “Tom, you just met me five minutes ago”
Tom: “Hey, I know this great massage parlor over in Jupiter. Wanna go, my treat?”
Erikthredd’s MJ Collection:
Erikthredd’s Nike Air Jordan Collection:
Yea I’m Sure he didn’t even drink that much but either way he got crushed lol. I wonder if he is so clean that his hangover might not be that bad? Or it could keep him in bed for a couple of days since he is in his 40’s lol
This is awesome.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
I am guessing that a dose of Nyquil would chase tom under the rug
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
I dunno... I'm not much for public intoxication, but I'm actually kind of glad to see this. It makes Brady seem more real to me. Everyone screws up somewhere along the line and in the grand scheme of things, blowing off a little steam in celebration after winning your seventh Super Bowl isn't a crime. Good for him.
I'll bet Gronk had something to do with it. You know how Gronk loves a good party.
FWIW, he was almost certainly faking. There's video of him right after the "drunken entrance" and he's completely fine.
I didnt see that either. you dont usually get to see behind the veil with Brady. He is usually so business like.
George Brett, Roger Clemens and Tommy Brady.
Part of greatness comes with living life confined in a goldfish bowl. Best wishes in your efforts to escape from it Mr. Brady.
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
Unfortunately I'm not finding the article now
Fake news!!! 😂😂😂🍻
Geez, the guy spends a year of his life absolutely focused on football. Perhaps more focused on a particular season than any other football player of all time. Then he achieves the ultimate by winning the Super Bowl.
He deserves to have some fun and should not be admonished for it. Of course for various reasons, including from many in the media, they don't like Tom Brady personally. So at any opportunity the media and other haters wish to knock him.
So he threw the Lombardi Trophy? So what! It wasn't like he threw it off a ten story building. If it had landed it the water, it would have cost him a few thou to dredge it back up, clean it off, and it would be good as new. If Vince was alive, i think he'd have a good chuckle about it along with Tom.
I think it’s all in fun honestly and I hate the media. It’s pretty much along the lines of anything to make a story in my opinion but for sure those that are criticizing him they should go screw off
Let's tell it like it is - If Colin Kaepernick would have done the exact same thing as Brady supposedly did with the deflategate story, it would have basically been ignored by the media...and we all know it.
🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸
Was good to see Brady let loose in public like that. The daughter of the father who designed/made the trophy, is quite upset that he threw the trophy across the boat. Just another impressive toss by Brady. Yes, props to the receiver on it too.
I figured she would be honored, kind of like Ted was when Brady threw him out the window with a perfect spiral.
100% Agreed
And, now it's a shirt ...

"I'm never going to live this down"