Jerry Jones buys his wine at a 7-Eleven

in Sports Talk
A little interesting story circulating around the globe.
A little interesting story circulating around the globe.
Having lived near Dallas for the last fifteen years or so, and subsequently getting to really experience the Jerry Jones experience, so to say, I have to admit that the man is an interesting listen. You have to learn how to navigate what he is saying, and be patient, but it pays off.
I often hear that he is out and about, and always with his man Roosevelt.
Let me just say this, don't ever buy this stuff from a gas station. It will have you seeing elves!
Since I consider many of you my friends, I'm going to speak with total honesty here. As I've mentioned before, I haven't had a drink in practically ten years. And maybe that's why I have to say, that yes, drinking a big one of these (not as just a one time thing) on a Saturday on an empty stomach before you head to the college cafeteria, can possibly make you see things. Elves? I'm not sure about that though.
I'll drink beer every now and then, but that's it. One time, years ago, I bought one of those MD 20/20s and it had my head spinning. I did drink it on an empty stomach, and it made me sick as can be. Never again!
Is it called "MD" because you may need a medical doctor after drinking it?
The MD stands for "Mad Dog." Stay away from it Steve, you'll be so sick that you won't be able to post on the forum for a week!
And definitely not seeing 20/20 for a good while after finishing a bottle.
I had heard of Mad Dog, it's been around a long time and figured that's probably what it was. Never tried any, but at college some used to drink that chit like it was water.
I'd hate to see what their livers and kidneys look like today.
When your desperate you'll do anything go anywhere.
I don't know, but I did hear that all Super Bowl's will be in played Dallas from here on out, so no team will ever have home field advantage in the Super Bowl.
Post of the Day.
Hey some of us know that expensive wines are mostly over rated after a few glasses who cares about the price.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
I thought you might like that one.
If this doesn't bring Dime out of retirement, nothing will.
Dime!!! I have to check on him ATS. I haven't been there in a bit.
one time in high school a buddy and i got blasted off of boone's
he crashed at my house and at one point my mom walked in the room and said, "have you boys been drinking?"
my friend blurts out, "i haven't"
i waited until he fell asleep then puked all over him
true story
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
@galaxy27, 😂😂😂😂😂😂
DD add this to the snack section of this thread. Tastykakes were the jam whenever we rolled in and out of Philly. The more slammed you were the more you could eat and the better they tasted.
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Many many years ago in the winter I drank way too much of some crap. I fell asleep in my winter coat. In the morning when I awoke I realized I puked a ton all over myself. I slept right through it. Lucky I didn't choke to death.
Yes, a number of famous rock stars have done exactly that.
I used to eat all that snack chit in my younger days. I gave most of it up around twenty years ago, and gave all of it up around a year ago.
Interesting effect, twenty years ago, i used to briskly walk up a few flights of stairs, and i was breathing somewhat heavily. Now, twenty years older, i do the same thing and there's barely a perceptible difference in my breathing.
One day we all pass on, but for me, i'll be very surprised if it's from a heart attack.
Yes, very delicious, I've tried a number of Tastykake desserts over the years, great stuff!
I jog every other day, but I have a sweet tooth. Yes, I confess, I have a sweet tooth.
That was the pregame drink of choice for the girls at my keg parties back in the day lol
Sorry to say that if your internal organs could talk, they might say that about you.
They might also say something like why does doubledragon keep ingesting all this poison that we have to labor hard to get rid of from our body? He's wearing us out!
Keeping in shape from jogging is good, but then consuming unhealthy food, is like keeping your car finely tuned except for dirty oil. Well that dirty oil as we all know will cause a car to break down. internal organs are very happy with me right now, and i plan to keep it that way.
Back in the 1980's, i went on vacation in Europe and spent some time in Germany. We took a day out to visit the wine region of Germany along the Rhine River. Vineyards for many miles, as far as the eye can see.
Well, we sat down at a restaurant table and i ordered their most expensive wine called Trockenbeerenauslese. It wasn't cheap but i figured what the yell it's only money.
I guess that i'm no wine connoisseur because that expensive chit didn't taste that much different to me than any five dollar bottle of wine i had bought before. LOL
This wine was very popular in our high school. I was basically a beer drinker, but i tried this Boone's Farm wine a few times and it really didn't taste that bad, considering the price.
However back then for the most part, I'd say Bud. 🍺
As a party animal with limited funds back in the day it was Busch Light Draft and Keystone Light for us 👍👍
Sorry Paul, but i gotta respectfully disagree with ya about light beer. I just can't stand the taste of that chit.
But hey, I truly applaud the beer drinking versus what too many others were doing back then. Some of those who were doing something other than beer, i have found them on the internet by googling their name and the word obituary, and i wish i was kidding.
Yes, I drank plenty of Busch brand in my day. Cheap, but very effective!
Ever had a bottle of this stuff? I've never tried it, the price is pretty high. I've heard a lot of people talk about it, it's supposed to be the best I think.
I didn’t drink it for the taste that’s for sure lol. I never got into the drugs or steroids either which was very popular
if memory serves we had females in mind when we acquired that stuff
but at some point during the night the master plan turned to "girls dont like us so screw it let's just get wasted"
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
If ya can’t get a girl then get into a fight was our motto lol
Never tried it.
A bottle of that chit might be a year's salary for me.
Maybe i could afford a teaspoon? 🤔
I have a hard time calling anything that can be bought at Costco "the best". Pretty sure it was ~$100/bottle when I picked one up many years ago.
Damn this thread is bringing back some memories!! Back in 1985 I was a dishwasher at a restaurant and I got accused of stealing a bottle of it and fired, I was 15 and didn’t even know what it was lol. I think the bartender stole it and accused me since I always had to go to the walk in cooler and fetch cases of beer for him.
Or get hissed off at them and burn rubber in front of their parent's house. I had a little brush with the law one time about doing that. Wasn't the parents who reported me, but their damn neighbor. I guess the noise disturbed their slumber. LOL
Wow does that suck. Geez.
That's all it costs?
I would have figured more than that, considering it's a famous sort of name.
Back then, yeah, and that included 2 flutes. Looks like it's running about $165/bottle at Total Wine these days. Famous, yes, hip, no.
I'll never forget the time I got busted smoking in the bathroom in high school and it was the school resource officer that caught me. It was during lunch, and I had a perfect record of 58-0 of not getting caught. We used to keep our record. We always had to be careful with Officer Hall because he was famous for watching the bathrooms like a hawk. Anyway, he walked in full uniform and nailed me. It was intimidating, he had that belt on with the handcuffs and pepper spray and everything. My parents were called. He walked me to the office and everyone was staring. It made the school newspaper. The school press had a field day with me!
Now i'll be humming to myself that Brownsville Station song all day. LOL