Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
Starting this am at 830, I have been getting numerous calls wanting to buy silver from newbies, also once I opened the store 30 min ago, several people whom I have never seen before came in wanting to buy silveror want to know about how you go about buying silver.
dealer freind about 60 miles north of me, said the same thing happen to him
The price for silver eagles is crazy on eBay--seems to be about $800 +/- per roll. Would be great to get a price like that* without the hassle and fees of eBay.
How is the demand for gold among all this? Any spillover?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
@Dscoin said:
Just got off the phone with my local dealer, with spot at ~$29.25 his buy prices are:
$34 on ASE
22x on 90%
What is he selling at?
Numismatist. 50 year member ANA. Winner of four ANA Heath Literary Awards; three Wayte and Olga Raymond Literary Awards; Numismatist of the Year Award 2009, and Lifetime Achievement Award 2020. Winner numerous NLG Literary Awards.
Just got off the phone with a local dealer- they took their phones off the hook, I now have to call him through his cell phone only. Had a line at 9 am this morning and sold out of everything at 10 dollars over. He cannot find much to sell and is now calling clients to see if they will sell to him. I would run him a load of silver but cant get away from patients until tomorrow.
I have a gut feeling telling me this will only last a day or two so will gladly take some profit.
@CaptHenway said:
How is the demand for gold among all this? Any spillover?
I bought some on Friday and expected delivery is Feb 20 . Zero AGE's, Buffalos. Heard the same elsewhere
Walker Proof Digital Album Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
@Dscoin said:
Just got off the phone with my local dealer, with spot at ~$29.25 his buy prices are:
$34 on ASE
22x on 90%
What is he selling at?
I did not ask, I won’t be buying at these prices so it really didn’t matter to me. A few months ago when silver was around $28 or so he was buying ASE’s at $35 so this isn’t unheard of in my parts. I should have sold everything I had to him at that time, that was on a Saturday and the next week it went down $2-$3 and I could have restocked what I sold and probably gotten another roll or 2 for the same price(not from him obviously). This time feels different.......
All they did was create a little uncertainty that gave us a few temporary dollars. The futures shorts will take them back.
This is a misconception, few people on WSB are actually bullish on silver. By and far, sentiment is still 100% focused on GME at this point. float is still well over 100% for GME and the contracts are expiring and coming to roost...
Many WSB users think this is a distraction by Citadel to get people to dump their GME shares and options for SLV instead so they can buy them back without having the squeeze happen. Citadel is one of the hedgies who infused a few billion of liquidity into Melvin Managment and Citadel also has a large stake in SLV...a win-win for them.
If the United States Mint is sitting on mountains of silver for delivery to bullion dealers, do they set the buy price in advance, at time of order, or at time of delivery? Second question, if physical silver jumps dramatically, do you think the mint will get involved like they did in 2010 with 5oz ATB coins to prevent bullion dealers gouging the prices?
if physical silver jumps dramatically, do you think the mint will get involved like they did in 2010 with 5oz ATB coins to prevent bullion dealers gouging the prices?
The mint makes 'em and the mint sells 'em. They could care less what spot is, they are always gonna get their premium over. That premium, last I heard, was $2.50 over per ASE. The only change in monster box price Authorized purchasers see is the change in spot price. The mint could care less what APs' resell price is for the product, the market determines the actual paid price. If the mint was in the business to make money (oops they are) I mean profit then their premium to the APs would fluctuate as it does in the retail market.
Mint supplies the bullion as best they can to meet demand. They don't have to worry about over production. It can be melted down are reused. I've read that they get a projection of future needs from the APs to help them keep up. Keep in mind those 30 million 2020 ASEs (60,000 monster boxes) went through the hands of only about a dozen APs. That's an average of about 415 boxes a month per AP.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
@jessewvu said:
copy that. Any idea why the US Mint stepped in to direct the bullion dealers to set a price for the 2010 ATB 5 oz coins?
most likely to support the 5 oz program. When establishing a new bullion series it is imperative to attract and keep new buyers, not drive them away. Once established you've got returning buyers and a program well underway.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
the night is young
Interested what asia does
Fasten your seat belts.
until the bandits have access to SLV all silver price movement is pure speculation.
The big bullion boys have yet to reappear with their silver on ebay.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
What is going on with the dealer websites (big and little)?
These are all the examples I found in just checking a handful of websites:
Successful BST transactions (as a buyer) with @ArchStanton, @JGnumismatics, @r00kies101, @derryb, @76collector, @Pachucko, @brendanlam, @Coll3ctor. I am looking for fractional gold Krugerrands, by year: 0.5oz: 2014, 2020, 2023 | 0.25oz: 1992, 1994, 2002, 2020, 2023 | 0.10oz: 1990, 1992, 1994, 2010, 2020-2021
JM Bullion still has about 900 10oz bars available at ~$32/oz
BST Transactions (as the seller): Collectall, GRANDAM, epcjimi1, wondercoin, jmski52, wheathoarder, jay1187, jdsueu, grote15, airplanenut, bigole
Well, APMEX is back up on ebay with $789 ASE tubes.
I've got a few listed at much less but you gotta buy more than two. I'm taking advantage of a FVF fee seller promo that ends around 9 pm. At that time I'll be removing the listings.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Kitco has been showing a $1.00 spread on silver for at least the last 10 mins.
You remind me of that my pillow guy, always promoting your product. lol
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
Well... that was kind of like watching fireworks.... flies straight up..... burns out.... then falls back down......
But actually is still holding pretty well for an early start.
Well, I do promote your's as well.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Heh, NY.....close. We'll all be "rich" one of these days.
The whole worlds off its rocker, buy Gold™.
the far east has awoken
the taller yellow bars are about 10,000 shaers. time: 1 minute.
I'm a big fan of this site. Toggle for all assets and indexes
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
As of 8:57 pm est I can’t log onto Ebay, Apmex, Pristine Auction or Moderncoinmart. Weird
Funny - I am having no problem logging on to the govmint website
ASEs are selling for $40 right now on APMEX.
Nice site, fast quotes. Thx
I see no yellow.
Kitco is now showing a dollar spread on the bid/ask price of silver. And silver just hit $30/oz.
Common 10oz Engelhard bars are selling at $400 or better on eBay.
SilverSqueeze is trending on twitter.
It's alright....It's alright....It's all right....she moves in mysterious ways.
Loves me some shiny!
What would ignite this rocket is future contract holders taking delivery of the real deal. The spread between spot and physical is huge right now.
epic effort from JPM trading desk trying to depress momentum before 9:30 frenzy
Loves me some shiny!
(yes rando photo grabbed via google-fu)
Starting this am at 830, I have been getting numerous calls wanting to buy silver from newbies, also once I opened the store 30 min ago, several people whom I have never seen before came in wanting to buy silveror want to know about how you go about buying silver.
dealer freind about 60 miles north of me, said the same thing happen to him
Its insane.
The price for silver eagles is crazy on eBay--seems to be about $800 +/- per roll. Would be great to get a price like that* without the hassle and fees of eBay.
Edited: * as a seller
He who knows he has enough is rich.
How is the demand for gold among all this? Any spillover?
Down from $29.51 to $28.28....and hovering. Looks like hot air ran out...
Cheers, RickO
the news has been concentrating on silver. the bullion dealers in the news are talking silver. i'll guess as a spectator that it's silver.
but yeah, be nice to hear from a dealer
Just got off the phone with my local dealer, with spot at ~$29.25 his buy prices are:
$34 on ASE
22x on 90%
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
What is he selling at?
My shop is selling SAE's at $36.40 per and buying at $29.70 as of this morning... with this disclaimer.
Due to extreme volatility all ordered must be paid in full at time of purchase
Bank Wires, ACH's, Zelle, Money Orders or in person Checks or Cash
Also, news of a short squeeze has dramatically increased premiums
and reduced availability of some products
Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
he's buying ASEs for $34 with spot at 29.25?
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
So, did the Reddit Raiders win? lol
All they did was create a little uncertainty that gave us a few temporary dollars. The futures shorts will take them back.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
Just got off the phone with a local dealer- they took their phones off the hook, I now have to call him through his cell phone only. Had a line at 9 am this morning and sold out of everything at 10 dollars over. He cannot find much to sell and is now calling clients to see if they will sell to him. I would run him a load of silver but cant get away from patients until tomorrow.
I have a gut feeling telling me this will only last a day or two so will gladly take some profit.
I bought some on Friday and expected delivery is Feb 20 . Zero AGE's, Buffalos. Heard the same elsewhere
Fellas, leave the tight pants to the ladies. If I can count the coins in your pockets you better use them to call a tailor. Stay thirsty my friends......
cnbc just said slv highest volume ever
You got it
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
I did not ask, I won’t be buying at these prices so it really didn’t matter to me. A few months ago when silver was around $28 or so he was buying ASE’s at $35 so this isn’t unheard of in my parts. I should have sold everything I had to him at that time, that was on a Saturday and the next week it went down $2-$3 and I could have restocked what I sold and probably gotten another roll or 2 for the same price(not from him obviously). This time feels different.......
Successful transactions with: Lakesammman, jimineez1, Flackthat, PerryHall, bidask, bccox, TwistedArrow1962, free_spirit, alexerca, scooter25, FHC, tnspro, mcarney1173, moursund, and SurfinxHI (6 times)
This is a misconception, few people on WSB are actually bullish on silver. By and far, sentiment is still 100% focused on GME at this point. float is still well over 100% for GME and the contracts are expiring and coming to roost...
Many WSB users think this is a distraction by Citadel to get people to dump their GME shares and options for SLV instead so they can buy them back without having the squeeze happen. Citadel is one of the hedgies who infused a few billion of liquidity into Melvin Managment and Citadel also has a large stake in SLV...a win-win for them.
look at gme today and in ah action, amc too.
Story time.
If the United States Mint is sitting on mountains of silver for delivery to bullion dealers, do they set the buy price in advance, at time of order, or at time of delivery? Second question, if physical silver jumps dramatically, do you think the mint will get involved like they did in 2010 with 5oz ATB coins to prevent bullion dealers gouging the prices?
I don't think so.
They didn't in early 2020.
The mint makes 'em and the mint sells 'em. They could care less what spot is, they are always gonna get their premium over. That premium, last I heard, was $2.50 over per ASE. The only change in monster box price Authorized purchasers see is the change in spot price. The mint could care less what APs' resell price is for the product, the market determines the actual paid price. If the mint was in the business to make money (oops they are) I mean profit then their premium to the APs would fluctuate as it does in the retail market.
Mint supplies the bullion as best they can to meet demand. They don't have to worry about over production. It can be melted down are reused. I've read that they get a projection of future needs from the APs to help them keep up. Keep in mind those 30 million 2020 ASEs (60,000 monster boxes) went through the hands of only about a dozen APs. That's an average of about 415 boxes a month per AP.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
copy that. Any idea why the US Mint stepped in to direct the bullion dealers to set a price for the 2010 ATB 5 oz coins?
most likely to support the 5 oz program. When establishing a new bullion series it is imperative to attract and keep new buyers, not drive them away. Once established you've got returning buyers and a program well underway.
Repetition of ignorance is ignorance raised to the power two.
I'm bringing some of my rolls to a local shop tomorrow to see what they'd give. They've always been fair but I expect the spread to be pretty wide..
"Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working" Pablo Picasso