Off-season movie mania

in Sports Talk
We all know what's approaching. Offseason. The most boring time of the year for football fans. We all need something to do to keep us sane. I have nothing else to do, so I guess I'll put together a thread suggesting good movies to watch, to get us throught the off-season. If you have any movie suggestions for us, please feel free to share them.
I'll start off by saying, I love a good scary movie. Right now, I'm watching "The Thing" starring Kurt Russell. It's about a team of Scientists stationed in Antarctica, and they encounter a parasitic alien type monster that can take the form of it's victims. No one can trust eachother!
Another movie I would recommend is "Creed 2". This one is good because the villain is Viktor Drago, the son of Ivan Drago, the big russian guy that killed Apollo Creed in Rocky part 4. Ivan Drago is the manager of his son in this movie, and Viktor Drago is just like his father, a really big and dangerous fighter that must break you!
I’m going to through out a few old school Sci Fi’s. Journey to the center of the earth & 1 Million Years BC.
Yes, I love the old Sci Fi classics. I will have to check those out!
Here is one I haven't seen yet, it's a shark movie called"The Meg". Look how big that shark is, Jaws is a joke compared to that beast!
This is one of my favorites
I've seen every Terminator movie except Dark Fate. I am definitely going to check this out.
This one is good, it's called Leviathan. It's about a crew on a deep sea oil rig, that runs into a sea minster that gets aboard their oil and all heck breaks loose!
Movie too scary.
One of my favorite movie franchises, take your pick.
i have to watch this at least once a year
you'll never be able to outrun a bad diet
I remember when I first watched that movie. It made me want to smoke a joint!
This is an all time classic!
If you're a horror movie fan like me, then this is a must see. It's the 2009 version of Friday the 13th. It came out in 2009. It was unbelievably entertaining and scary. I still won't go near the woods!
Love that movie!
This was one of the best horror movies I've ever seen. It's called "Splinter". Check it out if you get a chance, you won't be disappointed. It is very entertaining.
Another classic.
If you like doomsday movies, NOTHING compares to this one. It's called "2012", and is BY FAR the best doomsday movie I've ever seen. The special effects are unbelievable, and this is a MUST SEE. The ancient Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and this movie is based on that prediction. A MUST SEE!
I thought that was a little over the top with ridiculous edge of the seat survival by the main characters but otherwise a decent watch.
Reminds me of a kid in the 70’s visiting my grandparents, my uncle used to love watching those movies!
@perkdog, The escape scenes were ridiculous in 2012, they always escaped by an inch! 😂😂
I'll be working this thread all day tomorrow. I'm having too much fun!
DoubleD- That shark movie isn't really about a shark.
Its about a Megalodon, Meg for short.
Its an entertaining movie, I think you'll enjoy it.
This woman was in 'The Meg' with Jason Stratham.
Easy on the eyes. Can't believe she is 47 years old.
I had to look up the meaning of Megalodon, and found out it is an extinct species that really existed millions of years ago. Man, that thing had huge jaws! I'm looking forward to watching this movie! Check out this Megadalon fossil compared to the size of a great white shark.
I enjoyed "Star Trek" with Chris Pine as Captain Kirk.
I'm about to walk to Wal-Mart across the street and get some stuff. I ran out of my Irish Spring soap yesterday, and had to use my wife's brand of soap. I smelled like freaking Kiwi all day.
Ok gentlemen, back to business. I watched this one recenty, and it was very entertaining. It is called "The Revenant", and it is based on a true story about a man that is viciously attacked by a bear while hunting for food with a group of people. The group of people that he is with want to help him, but the apha male of the group won't let them help him, and insist they leave him to die, and even tries to bury him while he is still alive. The man survives miraculously and is hell bent on tracking down the man that left him to die and killing him. Very entertaining.
Great movie Double D!!
If it's a chuckle that you seek, look no further than Hot Shots Part Deux.
That movie is hilarious. I still bust out laughing when I think about the zipper scene! 😂😂
Platoon is another classic. Tom Berenger plays an awesome villian as Sgt. Barnes, an out of control Sgt. with a nasty scar on his face, one of the all time great movie villains.
If anyone hasn't watched the first Resident Evil from 2002 ( I think) it is worth a watch in my opinion. This is a good scene.
I'll check it out soon. Thank you for the tip!
Back then, caveman used great white sharks as bait on their hooks to catch them Megalodons.
It was one heckuva big rod and reel from what i've read in history books.
Steve, you need something to do. I would recommend a movie. I think this one would be right up your alley since your an Eagles fan. blind side This is a good movie, based on a true story
I've heard about that movie but still haven't seen it yet. I'll check it out. Believe it or not, I still haven't seen "Any Given Sunday". I'm also going to check that out.
This was a good movie.
Three good ones that I can watch every year!
Loved Gran Torino’!
Double D, Shawshank was an incredible movie. And yes Any given Sunday is a great one too.
@perkdog, I will definitely have to check The Pianist out. I love those kinds of movies. This one was a pretty good movie.
Another all time great villain....
@bobbybakeriv, I have heard about this movie and that Javier Bardem was excellent as the villain. I'm going to check that out!
Yeah Javier is just about as cold-blooded as they come and it is an excellent movie. Sorta reminds me of a darker version of "A Simple Plan" which is also excellent. Check it out for sure.
@bobbybakeriv, Thank you for these great suggestions, I will definitely check a simple plan out as well. I'm loving these movie ideas!