Can't access Registry Set!!!!

Keep getting hung on page that says:
Checking your browser before accessing
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.
Please allow up to 5 seconds…
DDoS protection by Cloudflare
We now have all your coins!!!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Eldorado9, I had the same message this a.m. I just kept closing the page and trying again. Finally went through.
Misconfigured DDoS protection from Cloudfare, been going on since Friday for me.
I just tried again, several times. No access.
Works fine on my phone. Not on pc.
Just download a new browser. I'm using Dissenter. I see the same message but then it loads within 5 seconds.
Great transactions with oih82w8, JasonGaming, Moose1913.
No luck here either. Using a MAC
My Saint Set
Still no access. I've been trying over a period of 24 hours. Hey PCGS....Your IT department is asleep. At my company this would have been fixed within 30 minutes.
I have my laptop, my desktop and the bosses ( wifey ) laptop. All the same. Awful long 5 seconds. FRUSTRATING.
Somebody screwed the pooch in IT......I've been shut out for over 24 hrs.
Call the Registry #. I did. ( 877 ) 888-1318. I did.
As I posted before, I had this issue. I cleared my history cache and it works just fine. I am using Internet Explorer and Microsoft edge.
Good luck
Kennedys are my quest...