Anyone having trouble getting on the registry set?

It seems to be all messed up?
Update just updated my phone app seems to be working now
Yes! I tried a couple of different browsers and power-cycling my PC.
My mobile app is working, but I bet that's all cached information I'm looking at there. Thanks for this.
I updated the app seems to be ok now
I can't access my Registry Set on my normal PC. I get this screen that says :
Checking your browser before accessing
This process is automatic. Your browser will redirect to your requested content shortly.
Please allow up to 5 seconds…
DDoS protection by Cloudflare
Call the Registry #. I did. ( 877 ) 888-1318
I cleared my browser history and it works fine for me now
Hope this works for others
I did this on Edge and also Internet Explorer
Kennedys are my quest...
Hey Wayne, thanks for the tip, I did clear my browser history and got in, but I can't help but think there is an implementation issue, as that should not be a necessary step to access the website.
I do believe that the "ROOT CAUSE" is from the 2020 system updates.
Kennedys are my quest...