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Peace Dollar Varieties

Taking a fresh look at my raw Peace Dollars shows that about a third of them have some characteristics of known VAM varieties. However, only a few match exactly to a single VAM description. Maybe a similar die break from one listed VAM or a eagle shoulder spike from another or an totally unlisted die break, etc..

Is it true that it is really only considered a VAM if it closely matches all the indicators? Or could it be an early or late die state from a VAM? I've looked at VAMWorld but am still not sure. Is there another place with the information?

Outside of that question, I am curious about these 2:

1924 (P)
The 9 is my question. There is a pretty good ding on the rim to the right of the 9. The lower half of the 9 looks to have 3 of what I've seen as die cuds on the inside of the 9. My question is whether this really came out of the mint this way, or could PMD cause what looks like die cuds?

This coin has taken more than it's share of dings. However, I am curious about the second L in DOLLAR. It looks like the 'L' is wider than should be. Once again, is that PMD?

Thanks, Bob


  • yosclimberyosclimber Posts: 4,834 ✭✭✭✭✭

    1924: PMD - impact from the NE raised metal on the SW side of the gouges.

    1925-S: might be PMD. could be a mostly vertical scratch through the second L and on the ray.
    Can you see if this is a recessed scratch or a raised die crack?

  • ifthevamzarockinifthevamzarockin Posts: 8,902 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Both look like PMD to me.

  • rickoricko Posts: 98,724 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @RPYred.... Welcome aboard...They are both PMD. CUDs are always attached to the rim, and are the manifestation of a missing piece of the die due to a crack. Your reference would more appropriately be termed 'die chips'... which are a fairly common occurrence. Cheers, RickO

  • On the 25-s, it is definitely recessed. So, I guess it is PMD.

    Thanks for your feedback.

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