You in Dallas?
Latin American Collection
@bidask said:
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Where is this? From what country are those coins?
@KingOfMorganDollar said: Where is this? From what country are those coins?
Paramount Collection, by Heritage. All over the globe.
@Boosibri said: You in Dallas?
Yes I am
Well I could not resist added the image to my desktop such amazing coins!!! But why all those elastics?
@KingOfMorganDollar said: Well I could not resist added the image to my desktop such amazing coins!!! But why all those elastics?
They appear to be keeping a flip attached
@Boosibri said: @KingOfMorganDollar said: Well I could not resist added the image to my desktop such amazing coins!!! But why all those elastics? They appear to be keeping a flip attached
@Boosibri said:
Yeah I guess they where maybe opened and the owner kept the cases.
The rubber bands are holding provenance flips together with the coins. You don't want to lose that stuff!
It's very important to keep things like old envelopes with the slabs otherwise a collector might stir up a fuss if one is missing
This is true, @jgenn . No missing provenance allowed!
I appreciate that the provenance is not being carelessly discarded
My first thought was that BidAsk was visiting his own private vault. You know, like...
I wonder whatever happened to those cases?
You in Dallas?
Latin American Collection
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Where is this? From what country are those coins?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
Paramount Collection, by Heritage. All over the globe.
Yes I am
I give away money. I collect money.
I don’t love money . I do love the Lord God.
Well I could not resist added the image to my desktop such amazing coins!!! But why all those elastics?
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
They appear to be keeping a flip attached
Latin American Collection
Yeah I guess they where maybe opened and the owner kept the cases.
NFL: Buffalo Bills & Green Bay Packers
The rubber bands are holding provenance flips together with the coins. You don't want to lose that stuff!
It's very important to keep things like old envelopes with the slabs otherwise a collector might stir up a fuss if one is missing
This is true, @jgenn . No missing provenance allowed!
I appreciate that the provenance is not being carelessly discarded
Latin American Collection
My first thought was that BidAsk was visiting his own private vault. You know, like...
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
Visit the Society of US Pattern Collectors at
I wonder whatever happened to those cases?