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  • JoeBanzaiJoeBanzai Posts: 12,008 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @craig44 said:

    @JoeBanzai said:

    @craig44 said:
    people talk about montanas unbeaten record in the super bowl. the only reason that record looks so nice is that he lost more often in earlier rounds. doesn't it make a more successful season to lose in the super bowl than in an earlier round? of course it does.

    WHAT? Brady "lost" five times in the early rounds and three times in the SB from 2005-2013. That's nine straight years "he" didn't win the SB.

    as far as "winning" super bowls (which really is a team accomplishment) when two players have the same number of SB wins, the one with more additional appearances would have the more accomplished career. that means that QBs team made it to the big dance more than the QB with the pristine record.

    Again WHAT? If a SB victory is a team accomplishment then more additional appearances would be a team accomplishment as well.

    I don't argue that Brady isn't one of the greatest of all time and perhaps the GOAT, but let's be realistic. He also has 11 post season losses, looks like the second "worst" all-time, behind Peyton Manning. Another GOAT contender.

    I brought up that it makes a more successful season for a team to loose in the SB than either not make the playoffs or loose in an earlier round because of your comment above," Montana. Perfect record. Correct answer. ;-)"

    He did have that perfect record in the SB, but he lost earlier more often than Bradys teams did.

    SBs are a team accomplishment, but with notably few examples, the most important position on the field is QB.

    I don't understand a word you wrote.

    The QB position is the most important, but it is a team game, so it's all pretty equal.

    If you want to start getting into a lot of other details, how about quality of opponents. The Patriots were in a horrible division and beat a LOT of crappy teams in the playoffs and LOST more games as well. Certainly lost more SBs.

    The OP's question was specific. One game, two minutes left. Brady would be a fine choice, but you Brady worshipers need to realize he's NOT the ONLY good choice. I was not the first to add "correct answer" to my post. There is obviously no correct answer to an opinion based question.

    Montana's record is perfect and his rating is much higher in the SB.

    Overall, Brady's greatness over a long period makes him better than Montana (IMO) in the GOAT debate, but had Steve Young not been there, Montana might have a couple more rings.

    2013,14 and 15 Certificate Award Winner Harmon Killebrew Master Set and Master Topps Set
  • hammer1hammer1 Posts: 3,874 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @stevek said:

    @thisistheshow said:

    @JoeBanzai said:

    @stevek said:
    Brady was great in that TV show "The Brady Bunch" where he played the husband.

    I particularly liked the episode when the family was visiting Philadelphia, and Tom got lost in traffic and fumbled his car keys - that one was funny.

    He wasn't even the best QB on that show, Joe Namath was in one episode!


    That was a great episode.


    The Brady Bunch (TV Series)
    Joe Namath

    • Mail Order Hero (1973) ... Joe Namath

    Looks like Joe had a fairly decent career of TV show appearances.

    Not a big surprise considering his charisma and fame.

    I liked his TV talk show co-host. Susie...?

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