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The Numismatist and thedockter



  • IkesTIkesT Posts: 3,282 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited January 26, 2021 5:01PM


  • CatbertCatbert Posts: 7,274 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @IkesT said:

    When Forum members were documenting how thedockter took TPG-certified Details coins (previously sold at other venues, such as Heritage) and subsequently sold them raw on eBay, without disclosing their problems, no one complained that we were engaged in censorship or “cancel culture”. When we documented how the damage was consistently hidden in the eBay listing photos by overexposure and/or extreme AT, no one claimed we were being unfair. When we pointed out that the coins were not, in fact, discovered in a safe in a 200 year old store, as claimed by thedockter, no one complained that we were trying to stop him from making a living. Far from it.

    I do not know if Allen Stockton is thedockter. I do know that a Forum member reported being a customer of thedockter and that he and Stockton coincidentally have the same email address. That's enough information to have a legitimate concern, even aside from the objection on principle that I discussed, previously.

    Now you’ve expanded from your original point of whether a business advert should be permitted to commenting on alleged unethical sales practices by his business and then conflating opinions contrary to your original post as endorsing said practices. Wow.

    Seated Half Society member #38
    "Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"

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