Registry set service

I would like to take the time to acknowledge and thank the registry set service team that fixes our woes.
With most of the CSRs working from home, turnaround times and service issues are at a slower than normal pace.
Getting thru on the phone may take several re-dials but eventually we get thru. The CSRs that I have always spoken to are kind, knowledgeable, polite and understanding. They all are in some type of cross training so that their ability to resolve issues grows especially in not having to transfer our concerns to another party. Dealing with the general public is really an art form. Everybody who has issues wants theirs fixed first and immediately. So BRAVO to you all who put up with us and our moods. In these times, we all need to practice more patience.
Kennedys are my quest...
I agree and appreciate the acknowledgement of their woes and expertise in dealing with my issues!
Kennedys are my quest...
I noticed minutes ago that the 2020 Proof Set has been added...updated Mine to find Myself seated firmly at #5
Congrats to the OP for getting #3
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Recently had occasion to talk to Set Registry, specifically Jakqlyne. Could not be happier with the communications, problem solved in a very timely manner. That girl is on top of things.
I noticed yesterday that the 2020 Proof Set has been added...updated Mine to find Myself seated firmly at #5
Congrats to the OP of this thread at #3
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
First I want to say thank you for noticing my set position.
and congratulations on yours. 

I was the Very first person to start the 2020 proof set. There were no other sets registered when I published mine.
The 3 required coins are in the mail which will bring this set to: 100% complete and a #1 set at 71.00 under the GPA with Top Bonuses.
If all is true, when I enter the 3 last coins, I will be firmly in the #1 slot with a #1 ranking set. Time will tell.
Kennedys are my quest...
I have several on order as well...not complete yet but I will be right there with You
I am shocked that there aren't hundreds more sets...but I guess most don't pay enough attention
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Yes you will.
I do believe that he who posts first, gets first slot. He who posts 2,3,4,5,6 earn those slots as long as the sets grade and rank is the same. It does not matter who completes the set first at 100%.
There will be many more sets posted but it will take a little more time. Last look there were only 6 sets posted.
Kennedys are my quest... long as I complete the set and get a #1 rank...I will remain on the ATF list no lower than 5th
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
No lower than #4 as "Richard" at #2 is 2 days late.
Kennedys are my quest...
Earlier last month I noticed that the 2020's would not enter into my sets. A call to Registry revealed a problem which they quickly took care of over the course of a few days and a few phone calls. I was the first to enter my individual 2020 coins while I was still on the phone with Registry. After the call, checked my rankings. Went from # 5 to # 1. ( quick screen shot of course ). It only lasted 7 hours and by the next a.m. I was down to # 3. But I was there. ( And ahead of Hansen LOL )
( And ahead of Hansen LOL )
And that fact really all that matters
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Which 2020 set are you talking about that you had to have the 2020 coins added to? I had to do this for my Kennedys sets.

I too had that great feeling that I beat Hanson to the spot.
Kennedys are my quest...
I dropped DLH about 25 spots in one of the Sac Sets when I added the 2018 Rev Pr...
Made My Whole Day !!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I did not beat him on that set. I believe I am on page 2 somewhere but still a #1 set.
Kennedys are my quest...
The 64 to date Kennedy with proofs set
WAYNEAS, Is there somewhere in my Registry that I can look to see exactly what date that was ?
January 25th was the day Registry and I got my 2020's entered. I might be wrong on it being my Kennedys. Thinking now it may have been my fb Roosevelt dime set. I was # 8 ( now # 9 ) on my Kennedys. Don't think I would jump that much with the 2020's. My fb Roosie set was # 5. Fairly certain that was where I went to # 1, briefly.
I would call the registry for a time stamp. This trying to remember thing goes to hell with the aged. lol

When my coins are added to the 2020 proof set, I will let you know where I end up and in what slot position.
Kennedys are my quest...
I didn't know I could call and get a time stamp. I'll be on the phone Monday a.m. Thank you sir.
You can see every timestamp for every set change...
Just click the blue Set Rating number on the right beside Your avatar in any Registry Set
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Any idea how the tie-breakers placed Me 3 lines above You in the Native American Proof Set?
Your start date shoulda resolved that
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Thank you JonJet
WAYNEAS Wasn't the Kennedys. Roosevelt fb basic set Circ. strike & Proof 46 - present
1/28/2021 2:57:58 PM 1 69.410 69.410 100.00%
1/29/2021 2:12:44 PM 2 69.406 69.406 100.00%
11 hours & 45 minutes at # 1. I'll take that.
Hell, I can't tell time. 23:45 LOL
I spent a short time at Top Rank the Native American Dollars Proof 2009-Present
Earned the Set Leader Medal on 2/08/2020...but only for a few hours (just 40 days after I joined Set Registry)
I was the only Proof Set had the newly added 2018 Rev Proof...and My Set was all PR69DCAM at the time
I'd bet Wayne felt the pinch too when it happened...everyone above Me dropped about 25 spots over the next few hours as a few added the coin
I was relegated to a location back on page 2 after a couple weeks...and decided I would only purchase PR70 after that
Within a month I had upgraded every coin in that set to PR70...and now have 20 Top Rank Proof Sets and about 20 more that are currently on Page 1
2020 marks the first Proof Set where I am hopefully secured a Top Rank in the ATF list
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Thank you for the tip. It does list my time stamp as the first set to be registered on the 2020 Proof Set. So I will have my set in slot #1 when I add the 3 in the mail coins which are all Pr70's. Again thank you @JonJet
Kennedys are my quest...
My set was published on 7/10/20. I don't remember when I added the 2018 rev proof but it did cost me a 2020 top set award. Yes, I am somewhere on page 2 also.
Kennedys are my quest...
I would still be on page 2 so why bother. I believe that the sets that are all above me including yours is because they received the annual award for 2020.
Kennedys are my quest...
Wayne...Your Start Date 10/19/2019...maybe there's a tie-breaker that outranks the start date
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I do believe it is the 2020 Best of Registry Award that I did not achieve when the award was given out so that keeps my set down the line. Awarded sets seem to always trump late comer sets. All the sets have an a 2020 award that are above mine. Maybe when I get the 2021 award, it will move me up. We will see. Next time I talk to a set registry CSR, I will ask.
Kennedys are my quest...
@WAYNEAS Strangely enough...I've recently seen both of Your Sac Dollar Sets in the Featured Albums of Dashboard - snug between 2 of whatshisdernname
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Kennedys are my quest...
Here is another one.
This is the showcase to my album.
Kennedys are my quest...
Yeah You show up fairly often if I keep refreshing the Dashboard...
Luckily its fairly rare than You are squeezed in between two of whocareswhathehas's sets
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
and another one
Kennedys are my quest...
I may not get a Top 5 spot...atm they are filled - unless My Start Date plays into the ATF List
Last coin on order - slated for delivery on Sat 4/03 so we will see how it plays out
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Another great experience with Set Registry.
Jakqlyne helped me solve my issue with being unable to get my Iphone7 to allow me access to read and add a certification directly from the NFC scan. She was extremely polite and knowledgeable. Thank you.
Kennedys are my quest...
My iPhone6 gave Me trouble the first time too...until I discovered I needed to "touch the slab" with the phone itself - Bingo Addo !!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Was a software / bookmark issue. Had to delete all and then download new.
Kennedys are my quest...