Toning as Art - QC Silver Eagle sells for over $400!

This QC coin sold for $410 just now. I was surprised by the price for this. Is this normal pricing levels?
Amazing 1991-s PCGS Questionable Color Rainbow Toned Proof ASE /TrueView (gs272)
There's pretty strong demand above $200.
I wonder what @braddick's nuclear eagle would sell for in its QC holder. It definitely needs a TrueView.
I was surprised but expected it to go high once I saw it was over $100 fairly early on.
How much do you think my toning as art example would bring?
Didn't someone offer several thousand for it years ago (if I recall the thread about it)?
I just ran across it with 8 minutes to go. It was sitting at $226.66 and I was tempted to put in a bid but it wouldn't have made a difference as I wasn't going to go that high.
Very hard to tell from those photos but it doesn't look nearly as colorful.
Perhaps. For a short time it was on eBay in the straight-graded slab for about $2400.
Yes, what the heck? Q. C. ? Come on. Just as U1chicago posted. What would legit toners be like, his, as well as, mine?

"Jesus died for you and for me, Thank you,Jesus"!!!
--- If it should happen I die and leave this world and you want to remember me. Please only remember my opening Sig Line.I'm not generally in the market for these so I don't know. I was surprised at the price for this one.
What do you think yours and @U1chicago's would go for? Both of you may have more info than I do, which is essentially nothing
I was watching it and was shocked at the closing price for a AT coin.
Other than "shocked", I really don't know what to say about something like this...
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I'll say great photos by Phil and Dick as usual.
It's interesting to stay up to date on where toned collecting is going.
Well people paid thousands for beanie babies lol!
Honest listing.
Note to self: there is a market for quickly rainbowed coins...I know I have a banana peel in the trash somewhere....
Colorized coins too (although those are "genuine")... people will buy what they like and pay for it if they love it!
Coins are Neato!

"If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your two cents worth, then making a penny." - Steven Wright
Dang, maybe I should see what I can get also. Lol

My Original Song Written to my late wife-"Plus other original music by me"
The one I posted is AT. I bought it on eBay years ago knowing what it was but finding it interesting enough to pick up. Your example is market acceptable (which is a plus) but it has less vivid color than the originally posted Eagle. So I would unfortunately expect it to go for quite a bit less than the eBay result today.
Couple of observations......
Buyer is probably a Seller on eBay with 11296 transactions.
Artist is watching the results of his work. There will be more coming to market.
On the positive side, at least it was in a genuine holder with a cert beginning with 40. PCGS, apparently, has cracked down on this stuff.
I agree it's good for PCGS to recognize this.
What's interesting to me is the strong interest even after it's been noted.
I would guess the new owner will try and take advantage of the uninformed on eBay.
The price already seems high to me. You think it will go higher?
If it shows up on eBay again, hopefully it gets posted here for us to track it.
He's saying that the more will be made.
If there are too many made, that will almost certainly lead to lower prices (so there is a need for a delicate approach to the supply side).
If people are paying $400 for a coin that is admittedly AT, then it is time for me to whip out the chemistry set. I'd sell with full disclosure.
$5k if I recall correctly. The back story: It was originally in a PCI UNC details AT holder. It ended up in a PCGS MS69 holder before ultimately ending up in a PF details AT PCGS slab.
Took it out of its hiding and reshot it today:
Do you still have the PCI slab shots?
That's what how I interpreted the new owner will try and take advantage of the uninformed on eBay
It seems like the one making it may be the consigner but not the new owner.
Yes, they have to be somewhat rare. The low grade ones seem to show up by the hundreds on eBay.
Well, they are so get that chemistry set out!
What I meant is that @bolivarshagnasty was saying that the consignor will be making more of these since he saw the high final price. I doubt the new owner will make any money (unless there is someone even more enamored with this Eagle, which I think is unlikely but isn't impossible).
I was implying that the new owner will list it on the bay for moon money and downplay the QC designation. The original artist will see this and make more.
I see that now (after rereading your post).
I could see the new owner listing it for moon money, but I doubt that will influence the original artist. The $410 auction result is already enough motivation for the artist to make more.
The interesting thing is that no deception is needed at the $400+ level.
Remember when people made more white coins because others paid more for them? I wonder when it will swing back the other way or if it will?
The result was interesting and I agree that there was no deception (the coin is in a details questionable color holder and no one made a case for it being natural). Some might argue that it is wrong to do something like this to a coin but I'm not one of those people (as long as the coin is properly described as AT/QC if raw or is properly graded as QC Details by the TPGs).
In regards to the second point, I'm not sure if it will swing back to a majority preference for blast white in the near term unless there is a big scandal related to toners (i.e. info comes out about an easy and quick way to produce high end natural colors).
In regards to the second point, I'm not sure if it will swing back to a majority preference for blast white in the near term unless there is a big scandal related to toners (i.e. info comes out about an easy and quick way to produce high end natural colors).
In which case I’ll be screwed. 😭
A bunch of people would be screwed as there are quite a few of us that have paid strong premiums for toned coins (me included). I don't think we will see a major scandal, so we are safe for now.
The other thing is that, while I've seen a lot of AT, I haven't seen a lot of nice AT which leads to strong results like this when it happens.
That’s a good point. Occasionally there are nice looking AT coins and those tend to do well.
I find it amazing that people will pay for this stuff.... But then, I found it amazing that people paid hundreds, and yes, thousands of dollars for beanie babies. I know, people can spend their money however they want to.... Cheers, RickO
Well there you have it.... not @ricko approved.
Here is the next one.
I suppose I should throw mine up and see where it lands!

Click on this link to see my ebay listings.
yuck, im just not into that type of toning, jmo of it
Here is one I used to own but sold for too little (given the new "market")
Black eye for our hobby.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
At this point, our hobby has had one eye completely poked out and skewered on a stick.
More like black, blue with a little iridescent purple and a hint of green eye for the hobby...
The market will determine how relevant or valuable this era of artificial or accelerated toning, whatever you want to call it will become.
It may take awhile, just as blast white dipping of mid 19th early 20th century coins waned. Dealers and collectors now know this was not a permanent trend, the same may happen.
Maybe they are buying coins and not holders?
I think they are buying the holder too. Even though it's QC, it's still PCGS with a TrueView. QC holdered coins seem to go for much higher than what the coin would sell for raw.
I think this is like people modding cars. Ever see a Mansory Ferrari? Some people love them while others think they are abominations. I'm guessing a Mansory mod would prevent Ferrari Classiche Certification.
Perhaps two black eyes then.
One for making white coins, the other for making non-white coins?
Probably a rainbow eye. Just sayin'...
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Agree. This one looks like it could sell for a healthy amount in the "new maraket" if you got a TrueView for it.