More duplicated serials ???
Posts: 1,318 ✭✭✭
August 2019 shows $20 2017A PK1* to PK00640000*
December 2020 shows PK1* to PK03200000*
Good catch. I’m wondering if it’s more duplication or a typo.
Time will tell Steve
FYI, here is the 2017A star set composition so far: PC star, PD star, PE star, PF star, PG star (rare for now), PI star (rare), PK star, and PL star (rare for now).
FYI I might be taking an assumed name over there (you know where) , but will not be a participant. I have some rigging to do first.
I presume that you are talking about monthly BEP reports? And that you are just talking about the $20s.
How many collectors are collecting the higher denomination stars? It seems that the high face value has always been the obstacle and that many survivors exist just by chance. Do many collectors save only the sets up to $10 or $20 notes and skip the $50s and $100s?
I do modern sets of replacement notes up to the denomination of $20. Like anything else, many $5 and $10 replacement notes cost me more than some common $20 districts.
I left when HoneyBadger became a moderator and started his bias