Will the 2021 coins arrive before we are able to add 2020 coins to our current sets?

Year is almost over and I still cannot add 2020 Jefferson nickels to my sets.
Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
Year is almost over and I still cannot add 2020 Jefferson nickels to my sets.
The 2020 coins have slots so You should be able to add them...but they are not required and do not count for Ranking/Rating until early 2021
I have Mine added
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
SOME 2020 coins have slots. They finally added my 2020 Australia Kangaroo slot here a couple weeks ago, been waiting since the end of July. Koala 2020 slot is still "Pending", since the end of September
JEFFERSON NICKELS BASIC SET, PROOF (1965-PRESENT) set has 3 slots for S-W-W Rev coins
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
None of the jefferson nickel, business strike, sets have 2020 slots.
I still can't add my 2019 Proof dimes, let a lone the 2020's
They usually do this in January and considering CA has the worst outbreak of Covid-19 in the US, I would not rush the situation, as coin slots are not that important relative to employee safety at the moment.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I think January is usually when the slots become "required" -- typically the slot becomes available the first time someone gets a correct cert number and requests it to be added (or in the pre-pandemic scenario, when someone on the Registry staff happens to notice one that catches their eye and adds it on their own...) But yeah, it's a rotten year for everything, and in terms of the registry, for us, it's a mild inconvenience. So far. --- Although, in theory, in highly contested sets, the first one to get that slot filled ~after~ it becomes mandatory will jump to the #1 spot and stay there... and if it displaces the user who actually requested that slot six months earlier, there could certainly be some hard feelings. And after this year's gold-bust, I'd say the ~last~ thing PCGS would want to do would be to disenfranchise even more of its long-term competitive members.
It would seem that the "long-term competitive members" have a distinct advantage already written into "The Rules"...
I've argued this with PCGS on many occasions...but it seems that "Start Date" comes into play often and for some reason gives the ability for sets to jump right up the list simply because they "Started the Set" earlier than others - and even though I moved up in rankings because I added a coin that "A PCGS Elder" did not have and dropped them and others 15-25 spots in the rankings...the moment they bought and added the coin AFTER I did they jump right back to their former rank
NASCAR has a competitive group too...they compete thru the season...some win...some don't...
But at the end of the season it's those that were FIRST that get a shot at 1st Place honors...and the guy who lost out during the season because he had numerous breakdowns doesn't get his spot given back...or get a chance to compete for the top spots just because he may have been unlucky
Friendly competition under PCGS Rules is unfairly slanted toward the Set Registry Members who have been here from the start...rather than recognizing Completion...they recognize Start Date - and that special group that gets a private heads-up about newly created sets will always linger at the top of the rankings...much to the anger of collectors outside the inner circle who work day-in day-out thru the year to add new Slots to Set Registry - and see their collections near the bottom of page 2 because they simply didn't have the "inside track advantage" of knowing when new sets were created
Completion means nothing - don't matter when You finish...it's when You started that gets the recognition
I've been there...earned a Set Leader Medal...was at the Top Spot in the Rankings...had the FIRST 100% completed Set - and those who bought that last coin later jumped right back above Me because Start Date is a tie-breaker
I think the disenfranchising movement has already taken effect - and it's doing it's best to discourage new collectors that could be the lifeblood of Set Registry in coming generations
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Why do you keep posting the same thing over and over? For some reason you have become obsessed with this idea that if you buy an identical coin in a new year, a few days before anyone else who has collected the same series for decades, that somehow makes you deserving of some special reward.
If you have the exact same coins, you get the exact same ranking number. There is no bias in that. It is completely, 100% fair. If you have a set of all 70's you will be #1 along with all the other #1's who have the exact same coins.
I find it a bit surprising that you think a collector who started and worked on a registry set for 15 years should not be given any recognition at all in the simple positioning of their set, compared to someone who just started collecting yesterday, as long as they both have the exact same coins.
I think we all should be more appreciative of PCGS because they have provided a great Registry for us to use. Try to just enjoy the hobby and your coins more, instead of posting constant criticism of our hosts, especially during this terribly difficult time for everyone.
Edited to add: Why not start a post of some photos of your favorite Registry set coins you mention? Do some have nice toning? Just mentioning ideas as this forum is not supposed to be just a digital complaint box.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
You miss My point completely...as You have missed it in every case by overlooking the facts...
What if You have coins that no other collection has?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
If you actually have other qualified coins in a set, that no other collection has, on the end date of the annual cutoff, then you have a valid issue to discuss with PCGS offline, as that is what customer service can help with.
It is possible that a fluke could happen, but it would not be intentional.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
You seem to be intentional in Your diversion of the question...as You have demonstrated in the past...
Again...the question is simple...and I'll make it more specific:
What if You add a coin that no other collection has...and that coin completes the Set?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Is it a coin that everyone has had a chance to see is missing from their set prior to the end of the annual cutoff?
Or, is it a coin you recently requested to be added as a certificate that should included in a set in a new year? Because until the annual cutoff, who gets them first is really, ultimately, irrelevant.
Until the coins are actually required at the end of the annual cutoff, who adds them first during the year does not matter at all.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
The question has nothing to do with Annual Awards or the cutoff date...and I've not mentioned either one of those in the question...the dates are irrelevant to the answer
What if You add a coin that no other collection has...and that coin completes the Set?
After it is added...You have the ONLY set with all Slots filled and all slots count towards ranking/rating
What happens?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
You will move to the top of the list until someone else gets one and then you will be tied with the same ranking number.
If the other person started their set before you did, then they will also move up higher in the position listing.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
So...on the day I add the last coin...and the Set is complete...
I become the #1 Ranking? Because I got there before anyone else...correct?
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I think so, at least temporarily for the current finest list. Why not just try it and see if it works?
However, the odds are that you will not go to the top of the All Time Finest list. You already know this and have mentioned before and I also agree there is a slight glitch in the Retired set programming..
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
So why is that...if I have the only set that is complete...and the others collecting the set have fewer...
I earn and belong at the top of the Rankings/Ratings
But we know that will and has changed...because it is evident that Completion Date is not a tie-breaker at PCGS
And that is the whole point behind most of My complaints
It goes against the grain of every competition known to man...but benefits those who do not wish to compete
As for Retired Sets...they need to be eliminated...those who retire should no longer compete for awards or ranked positions
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
My issue which pertains to retired modern sets, if they're retired, they do not add the current year coins. How are they still rated at the top when they're no longer complete ? Depending on when they're retired the set could be missing 2, 3 or more years and still rated above my set which is 100%.
Again, in a modern set that has new coins added every year it would be unfair to long term collectors to have to "race" to get the new coin of the year. You state you buy your coins mostly, so you can get FDOI coins very fast. I buy my new coins from the mint usually and it takes me 2-3 months to get them graded.
So is your collection better, or really the same? Were you really first to complete, or was I really first to complete it since I bought the new coin of the year in the 1st minute it was available from the mint?
That is why there is a lag time prior to registry awards, and the start date for the set comes into play according to the rules.
The retired sets are very important to classic collectors and to see who had the best sets of all time. These are not the sets of 70 moderns that anyone can buy, but major impressive collections to admire from the past.
However if the registry sets still have new coins being added every year, there currently is a problem because the completion percentage of a retired set does not always drop like it should, when they are actually missing coins. This needs to be corrected as @Tom147 has mentioned.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Here is a perfect example of the Retired set problem. The first 4 All time retired sets say 100% but if you click on them you see they really are 60-70% complete. Only Erasmus actually has 100% of the coins now, and so he should be at the top of the list. This is a very simple programming fix, to just update their completion even if retired and then see who is on top.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
That found the perfect example. If I had the 14 in gold, my set would also be in the 70.10 range, but wouldn't be able to break into those top sets beings they're retired. Yet I have the 16 thru 20 in Pr70DCAM.
Same here Tom...the 2014 Gold is holding up completion of several of My Proof Sets...
The kicker is...that coin was NEVER a part of a US Mint Proof Set...so it doesn't even belong in a set outside the Kennedy collection
I have argued this with PCGS to no avail...they insist their "experts" have determined it belongs
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I tried to argue that 2014 Kennedy gold 3/4 ounce was more like a commemorative, to no avail either. I have several PR69's first strikes available for sale if you are interested, but I had terrible luck with 70's when I sent mine in for grading.
And congratulations @JonJet on your 100th post.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
I considered purchasing a PR69, decided I would never be happy until I bought a PR70. Practicing patience. Has nothing to do with Registry, a 69 just wouldn't fit in with my PR70's.
I asked the for the 2020 slot to be added to the set I’m working on and the registry set gods added it just put a request in for a new slot
Please remove all ATF retired sets that are not 100% complete. When a set fails to make the highest current GPA with bonuses, it should drop down in the rankings. List it under the current finest and not the all time finest and have it placed into the appropriate slot below a set that is higher in ranking. I have had sets that were the first to be ranked in the #1 slot and 100% complete. Only needed 1 coin to do so. If I chose to retire that set at that time, it would be the #1 set retired. How is this fair to other registry set owners? I plan to do do this in 2021 just to see the registry set reaction and how ridiculous this criteria means in modern, continuing sets.
Kennedys are my quest...
I agree...what is the purpose behind retiring a Set...proving that they were once perfect but no longer are?
Failed to compete for whatever reason to complete the Set...so just gave up while they were ahead?
I don't have a problem with the "R" indicating a Retired Set...but drop it to the proper rank position and free up that ATF position if it's not currently a #1 Set !!!
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
I guess if I had the only #1 Set and was ranked #1...I'd sell it for a dollar to My Wife...then brother - sister - sister...
And lock up the Top 5 ATF slots for all time
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Imagine what would happen if a Billionaire decided He wanted to collect coins...
Buffet? Cuban? Winfrey? Gates? Bezos? Or any other?
And discovered the Retired Sets option...
He could purchase EVERY Set registered...have EVERY slot position...Retire EVERY Set...
And make it impossible for anyone to EVER have a shot at friendly competition and Annual Awards
At the proper $$$ offer...ANYONE would sell their collection
What if He offered the US Mint a 200% guaranteed profit to sell Him every coin they mint...just for 1 year...
Nobody else could ever complete that yearly set - or series - and Set Registry would die a slow death
Without a single grading coin...PCGS might struggle as well for a year of $0.00 income
And for a Billionaire...it would cost Pocket Change to corner the graded coin market - for eternity
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Do the math...there are less than 600 coins in the Yearly Proof Sets from 1957 thru 2020...
Even at $1000 a coin it's "only" $600,000...who can say they would not sell?
Add the P & D Sets and it's $1,800,000...for 3 collections
Pocket change - and then consider CLCT stock price to really understand the effect it would have
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
Won't happen, You say? Consider these Facts supported by Set Registry ATF Rankings
My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold
ALL 2020 coins should be included into the respecive sets.
If that hasn't happened yet, send an email to info@pcgs.com. In one of my sets, the 2020 issues had slots, but not part of the composition. I emailed info@pcgs.com, and within a week those slots were changed to be mandatory for the composition.