1860 Fort Benton, Montana Tokens - Originals and Restrikes

I picked up this restrike recently from Steve Hayden because I liked the way it looked and it was inexpenssive.
Then I noticed @tokenpro was using an original for this avatar.
What do we know about these tokens and where the dies are today?
What was the Baker Street Ferry? Are there any photos of it?
Does anyone know what the "M. L." stands for in "M. L. Lynch"?
The following is from TokenCatalog.com:
This example is BU - shiney aluminum. Scanner light reflection makes it look black,; This is Atwood-Coffee Montana Fantasy #1, struck from original dies in the '60's. Sold for 25¢ by the Fort Benton Historical Museum. 1000 made. The original is brass, 24mm. (Atwood-Coffee, Sixth Edition 2007.)
Very, very nice. That token would fit in nicely with my collection of American Indian artifacts. Except I'm focused on getting rid of stuff right now. But...... I like it!
That is cool.... Some really interesting tokens out there......STOP!! NO!! I will NOT start collecting tokens....
Cheers, RickO
Here's a link to an original 1860 50 cent token sold by Fred Holabird on April 4, 2016 for $1,080 with more info, including that the dies were found in 1959 at the Montana Historical Society.
The restrikes are easy to identify even beyond the raised bumps from the pitted original dies. The MHS was careful to use either wrong metal planchets (aluminum instead of brass for the 25c) or undersized planchets for the 50c (original is 29mm, restrike is 25mm). I always seem to have a couple in my inactive active inventory as I've always enjoyed the (non-historic) pictorial representation of the ferry.
All I know is I have never been to Fort Benton. Not sure why.
I haven't had the chance to visit the fort yet but would love to.
I've been to Montana while visiting Yellowstone. Beautiful country.
Wow, this 50 cent original was offered for $2,500 and sold for $2,000: