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A thread, for nickels. Please share some nice ones.

BryceMBryceM Posts: 11,787 ✭✭✭✭✭

Over the years I've seen lots of threads here, but I don't recall seeing too many asking for nickels. Buffalos get plenty of love, and Jeffersons have a solid following but many of the others get left out. The PCGS Nickel Type set includes only 9 coins, with no particularly difficult types. They include:

3-cent nickel
Shield, with rays
Shield, no rays
Liberty Head, no "CENTS"
Liberty Head
Buffalo type 1
Buffalo type 2
Jefferson Wartime

I suppose you should probably add the Westward Journey coins and the portrait Jefferson obverse coins, but they haven't updated the set definition for a while it seems.

For starters, here are the first three in my type set:

Let's see yours!



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