Is this real? 1678? Netherlands silver coin

I came across this item today. It’s a larger coin that I’m not familiar with (mostly work with US coins). It appears to be of a Netherlands design. I found a few similar ones online but this one looks a bit different. Is this thing real? Weight is around 27 grams. If real, what do you estimate its value at? Thank you for any help.
Yes, it's a Netherlands daalder, common coins but still well-liked by collectors. It's real and worth about $200. Looks to have been wiped/cleaned at one time or another.
I don't believe that is genuine.
With respect to the other commenters: German, not Dutch (Jever, Carl Wilhelm von Anhalt-Zerbst). Davenport 6859. Taler of 40 Stuber. Genuine, and in above average grade despite the cleaning. I'd be interesting in purchasing if for sale, certainly worth more than a common Lion Daalder.
Thanks for the details, @Que_sai_je. I could not find a match in the Netherlands section of my references.
With the goofy crude detail, I was figuring a contemporary counterfeit or Italian imitation. Wasn't even aware this issue existed. How long were they made - and were there others done in other German States??
I took a peek online, and it looks like they were made for 3 years - 1676, 1677 and 1678. Still trying to find more info about them - very odd coin.
Just did an archive search and that seems right... and as mentioned, a VERY nice price surprise over a Lion Dollar! Yours does look cleaned and weakly struck in the center (but strong face!), but relatively high grade wearwise compared to what's showing in auction results.
I learned something new.
Latin American Collection
Does anyone have any historical info on what these have sold for? Any estimate on what this one could be worth?
By the way, thank you all for you input! If it was up to me alone, I would have originally written it off as a badly made counterfeit and not of German states origin.