Finding a provenance in the 1975 ANA sale of the FCC Boyd world coins

The 1975 ANA was an epic sale for world coins with the unnamed sale of what was FCC Boyd’s world coin collection. Many great rarities and finest knowns in that sale. I was perusing the catalog again and noticed one of my pieces plated.
It looks as the same coin. Very cool!
Note the tone above the 1 in the date and the time mark under the chin on the obverse.
The reverse tone spot between the So and the 8R.
Def same coin
Latin American Collection
Yup - same coin! Nice catch.
8 Reales Madness Collection
Good eye -- I agreed to the match!
Imagine a world where the only way to buy coins out of auctions was to attend in person or bid based on catalog pics like that one. Those were the days!
Doggedly collecting coins of the Central American Republic.
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You have a good eye! Congratulations
That was a great sale. Hard to believe it was 45 years ago!
I think I have an extra copy of the catalog if anyone needs it
Latin American Collection
That's awesome. Do you think PCGS would attribute it as such?
He who knows he has enough is rich.
Not quite sure. Many of the Lissner coins came from the 1975 ANA sale and are attributed n the descriptions to Boyd. So I think it is reasonably common knowledge that 1975 ANA = Boyd.
Per Carlos Jara, many of the Wayte Raymond images from his North/South American books are in fact Boyd coins as they were good friends and Boyd lent him the coins for imaging.
In tracing provenance, I found in an old Freeman Craig sale the note that 1975 ANA = Wayte Raymond, but it must have been the misattribution of the plated coins in Raymond’s books to Raymond’s actual collection.
Latin American Collection
That's some stable toning...
That's pretty awesome to be able to trace back the provenance like that. I will have to get some coins worthwhile enough to have provenance to discover
Nice find. My Web Gallery
The best collecting goals lie right on the border between the possible and the impossible. - Andy Lustig, "MrEureka"
Got them to recognize it despite the Ana sale not naming Boyd as the consignor. I supplied a fair bit of back up just in case.

Latin American Collection