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Die trial of the Canada Inter-Gold Canada Ltee, Johnson Matthey & Mallory ** update confirmed**

coinsarefuncoinsarefun Posts: 21,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited December 29, 2020 8:04AM in U.S. Coin Forum

***update, received first letter of confirmation that I was right*****
See newest post below.

I have looked for years for a one ounce gold example of these. They came in silver and gold. By themselves
and/or sets. They were made for a very short run from 1977-1980...something. They all had the beaver reverse
and different obverses. For me there was only one obverse design I liked so needless to say its been a very long search as these sell for multiples and for bullion, that's a hard pill for me to swallow.
Fast forward.....I came upon an auction for this piece noted that "THIS IS NOT GOLD" several times. Understandable.......
.....to me this was better than gold. To me this was a die trial! And it looks to me to be gold plated. There edges are reeded too.
I did some searching around and found that a pair sold 3 years ago for $420 plus premium. One is copper and one is gold plated. The auction states that this is one of the best die work from a bullion company and I will agree.
I'm fairly certain I have the gold plated trial version and mine does not have pvc on it as the other auction states.
Granted this is a later year as a slight difference in mine, Doesn't have the rectangular plate below.
It weights 14.59 gms, and is 31.80 mm.
So Guess it pays to wait as I got what I wanted which is the beaver design and its gold plated. Die trial strike is the icing on the cake !.


For those that do net want to click on the link this is a screenshot below.


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