Trade 2019 W Quarters anyone?

For me I've actually done pretty well with 2019 Ws considering my modest goal of acquiring 5 full sets; I have 2 full sets so far.
Anybody with similar goals interested in trades on circulated Ws?
I have spares of some that I would trade to make my 5 set goal.
@nickelsciolist .... WOW!!! That is amazing that you have collected so many. Is it the result of 'box' searches? Or other methods? I am not building sets, so I cannot help, but congratulations on your success. Cheers, RickO
MY pocket change so far has been "D"s.
Hi, I need a Memorial Park, what do you need? You can message me offline if you 'd like, thanks, Joe
Isn't there a BST Forum for this?
Oh...I guess I dudnt no dat cause...I'm kinda slow.
I found my first yesterday. Wish I tried harder now to find them.
Joe sorry for no response, I was real busy and then up North hunting. I actually have 8 spares of Mem Park if you haven't found one yet and would trade for River of No Return or War in the Pacific. Per JBK I'm going to check the BST forum too...
Yup, searching rolls...actually have a couple of nice Samoas now!
So...I went to BST and it brought me back here...? Not sure I know how that must search the titles and sort them?