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Upgrading Registry Sets

Hello, when upgrading a registered set with a new coin, do I add the new coin, and then delete the coin it replaced? Or, delete the lower grade coin first and then add the new higher grade coin? Or maybe it makes no difference? Thanks


  • erwindocerwindoc Posts: 5,195 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I think you can just add it; Id only delete the undercoin if I sold it and no longer owned it. Welcome to the forum!

  • OK, thanks erwindoc, I appreciate the info and the welcome.

  • lusterloverlusterlover Posts: 1,265 ✭✭✭✭

    I believe when you add the new coin to your inventory it will ask you if you want to add it to the sets that it would potentially improve.

    Welcome as well.

  • Ah good point lusterlover, noted and thank you.

  • winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,694 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 1, 2020 5:57PM

    To be clear, as long as you check the little box in the lower left hand corner when you add inventory, PCGS computers automatically add the new higher grade coin to each of your sets that are applicable, and at that same exact time, automatically removes the older lower graded coin from the sets that have the upgraded coin(s). The lower graded coins (if no longer in any of your sets) are then at that same time automatically placed in the inventory category of “Active inventory unassigned to matching sets”.

    When you then sell a coin, as a courtesy to the new buyer, go into that category of inventory and change the status from “Active” to “Sold”.

    A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

    My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
  • @winesteven
    I have two upgrades coming and should get one of them today. Can’t wait to to place it in my set, exciting stuff! Thanks very much.

  • @winesteven said:

    To be clear, as long as you check the little box in the lower left hand corner when you add inventory, PCGS computers automatically add the new higher grade coin to each of your sets that are applicable, and at that same exact time, automatically removes the older lower graded coin from the sets that have the upgraded coin(s). The lower graded coins (if no longer in any of your sets) are then at that same time automatically placed in the inventory category of “Active inventory unassigned to matching sets”.

    When you then sell a coin, as a courtesy to the new buyer, go into that category of inventory and change the status from “Active” to “Sold”.

    I got my upgrade coin today and added it to the sets but then could not find the coin it replaced. Looking at the "inventory category it wasn't listed and then I noticed I could change the assignment to "Unassigned inventory that match sets", and it popped up. whew I don't know if the original selection was the default or something I did, anyway, I found the coin and now would like to know if I want to make it available for sale do I simply delete it from my "inventory" category? (when i tick the check box, the only choice is "delete checked") Thank you and I really appreciate it.

  • winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,694 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I suggest for your protection leave it where it is until you actually sell it. This way, if someone erroneously tries to list your item in their sets, or if your coin is stolen, you DO want it to appear where it is now, and NOT in the "Sold" category.

    As noted, the best place for your coins no longer in your dets due to having been upgraded by another coin is "Active Inventory Unassigned to matching Sets".

    Good luck!

    A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

    My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
  • OK, this is becoming rather confusing. I just went to the "sold" category and there are several coins there that are still mine but no longer in the published sets. I have no idea how they got there although it must have been something I did to get them in there. Is there a way to transfer them to where they should be? Or should I just delete them from that category and re-add them to "Unassigned inventory that match sets" or what? I am probably going to put them on "that auction site" soon anyway....and if I do that, should I obscure the reg. numbers?

  • winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,694 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Nickels_rule , no problem. Go to Set Registry, then Inventory, then Sold Inventory. Then each of those “Sold” coins which you still have, click on that, and then change the “Location” from “Sold” to “Active”.

    If you then have a coin currently in your active sets that is lower graded than that of your older “sold” coin that you just made “Active”, in that set you will then see by that coin in the left hand side “Replace Coin”.

    A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

    My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
  • Ah, that makes sense and would have been much easier than the way I just finished doing it. I deleted then out of the sold category and then added them one at a time to the "active but not in assigned sets (or whatever)" I took the long road but got there. Can't thank you enough for your help.

    Now i'm assuming that if I put them up for auction, the numbers will be protected and then delete them from PCGS when sold?

  • winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,694 ✭✭✭✭✭

    No need to delete them when sold. Just change the “Location” from “Active” to “Sold” for the sold coins. This way the new owner can list it in their own set, AND you can still maintain a record by having those remain listed in your “Sold Inventory” category.


    A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

    My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
  • @winesteven said:
    @Nickels_rule , no problem. Go to Set Registry, then Inventory, then Sold Inventory. Then each of those “Sold” coins which you still have, click on that, and then change the “Location” from “Sold” to “Active”.

    If you then have a coin currently in your active sets that is lower graded than that of your older “sold” coin that you just made “Active”, in that set you will then see by that coin in the left hand side “Replace Coin”.

    Ah, that makes sense and would have been much easier than the way I just finished doing it. I deleted then out of the sold category and then added them one at a time to the "active but not in assigned sets (or whatever)" I took the long road but got there. Can't thank you enough for your help.

    Now i'm assuming that if I put them up for auction, the numbers will be protected and then delete them from PCGS when sold?

    @winesteven said:
    No need to delete them when sold. Just change the “Location” from “Active” to “Sold” for the sold coins. This way the new owner can list it in their own set, AND you can still maintain a record by having those remain listed in your “Sold Inventory” category.


    Ah I see...well all this is making more sense now and I appreciate your patience.

  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,901 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Nickels_rule said:
    I have two upgrades coming and should get one of them today. Can’t wait to to place it in my set, exciting stuff! Thanks very much.

    Just a side note. If you have created a digital album for your set, you must add it by opening up your album and image search for the new higher graded coin image.
    I find that if there is no true view (TV) available that I must first take my own picture(s) and add them to the new certification number.
    To do this, I go to "edit" last added inventory, click on the cert# and then click on add image. This step can be done easier if you find the new coin listed in your actual set and click the "upload" button. This will only add that picture to this set where as if you go the inventory route, it will automatically upload the images into all sets that the new coin is in.
    If the new coin has a true view, you can automatically add it into the album by going to your album and then click the "wagon wheel" symbol which is the option button. In the drop down menu you will see the "auto fill true view. Click the "go" button and it will add all true views to this set that you have in your inventory for this set.
    If you do not have a TV, you must go into the album and find the slot where the coin would go and click on pick image ( Obverse / Reverse)and then add by fitting the image until it fits into the circle frame by using the + / - button. You can do both the Obverse and Reverse images in one step by clicking the ok button only after you have added both images. :)
    You must do this process for all of your albums individually. :/

    Kennedys are my quest...

  • winestevenwinesteven Posts: 4,694 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 13, 2020 9:57AM

    Many times if the coin was obtained on eBay or via a dealer or via an auction, THEY have provided photos of the coin - sometimes good photos, sometimes not so good photos. i use those photos for all of my digital albums when Trueviews are not available.

    A day without fine wine and working on your coin collection is like a day without sunshine!!!

    My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,901 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @winesteven said:
    Many times if the coin was obtained on eBay or via a dealer or via an auction, THEY have provided photos of the coin - sometimes good photos, sometimes not so good photos. i use those photos for all of my digital albums when Trueviews are not available.

    great idea
    I would just have to make sure the cert #'s match but definitely improve my phone pics which are not the cat's meow lol :)

    Kennedys are my quest...

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭

    So...is there a way to replace the "phone pictures" already in a digital album with TV's?

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Edit your digital album, click on the gear, click add True View and adjust the size front and back. Then remember to save.

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited November 16, 2020 8:18PM

    @Goldminers said:
    Edit your digital album, click on the gear, click add True View and adjust the size front and back. Then remember to save.

    And if it says there are no True Views available?

    Do I need to delete the "phone pics" first?

    A bit of research reveals that I must first submit My coins and pay the $5 per coin fee to get the TrueView Images?

    That does seem a bit odd...how would I know that they are actual pictures of My coins? Don't all PR70DCAM's look exactly the same?

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    When you get your coins graded, if you want True View photo images of your coins, you either pay $5 each at the time or get Gold Shield service which includes them. Or buy coins with gold shield grading which includes the TrueView images.

    If you just want to have regular images representing your coins you can get them from the internet, take your own pictures, or copy individual images on the site and use them.

    When you look at one of your sets in the edit mode at the far right of each coin there is a spot for images that says upload. You upload the picture you want to go there in your set. When they are in there, then you can go to the digital album to edit and select and resize the ones you added.

    Nothing in the program just puts every TrueView image that other's have paid to get into the database into your set, because it would not know they were actually yours. It also will not let you put an image for a coin that you do not have in your set to begin with.

    If you have added "phone pics" to your actual set on the image uploads, and also now have a TrueView that you or someone else paid for when it was graded, you will see the image column area will have "view more" under it so you can select. You do not delete the photos you took, you just select the ones you want to have seen in your album.

    Also, not all 70's look exactly the same under magnification, as some are toned differently, and photos of the same coin can look totally different depending on lighting.

    If you look at a digital album, when you click on a coin it magnifies it in a circle for a bit so you can really see detail. You can look at my National Commemorative set (linked below my post in my signature line). All the medals except one have TrueViews. They show up on the left in the public page.

    At the top of that page you can see a blue camera icon for the "image gallery", or you see the blue book for "digital album". Each has a different view of all my TrueViews, as I had most all of these graded myself. If you look at the image gallery, all the way down is a "phone photo" of the 1988 shuttle gold that is a MS70, it is the only one I bought graded, and it did not have a True View, I just uploaded a image from my phone. You can see the slab.

    If you go to my digital album you can see that medal looks like the others as was edited to fit the small hole size for it. If you click on it the magnifier will show it is still in the slab picture.

    I hope this helps.

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited November 17, 2020 11:23PM

    Sure...I get it...

    But with a slight case of both cataracts and glaucoma I'd be hard-pressed to tell the difference from one coin to another of the same variety

    Just doesn't seem worth the 952 coins (which seems to grow regularly) x $5 = $4760 to let others make their own assessments

    I'll pass and let the certs speak for My collections

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • oldsmagnetoldsmagnet Posts: 182 ✭✭✭

    I for one find it disappointing that so few dealers opt for the Tru-View when they submit their raw coins. The camera function in the PCGS app, well.... basically sucks. At least on my phone. But the set registry website lets you add as many photos as you want, as far as I know. I'm still struggling with getting "good" pictures for the digital albums - It seems like I can get some great, crystal clear pics, and they upload just fine, but in the digital album they look like blurry garbage. When you hover over 'em, the zoom-view is sharp as can be, but the album view just looks like garbage. I think the album is struggling with filesizes too high, somehow, but I haven't found a size setting that seems to be "right". Dunno. Still a work in progress there I guess. As to the other question though, there are many ways two 70-level coins can be different, toning is the most obvious variation, and to some buyers, that may make a huge difference in value.

  • JonJetJonJet Posts: 524 ✭✭✭
    edited November 21, 2020 2:49PM

    I guess there may be various reasons to want to see a picture of someone else's coin...but I'm not convinced it is an investment I would be willing to pay for

    Variety-type collectors may drool and swoon...but I'll let My collections and the respective Rating/Ranking speak for themselves without TrueView and the added ~$5K it would cost

    I created a few Digital Albums...used My iPhone6 and wasn't extremely impressed so I stopped adding photos
    I'll probably delete them at some point

    My 1957-2022 Proof Set Collection Has Been Sold

  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,901 ✭✭✭✭✭

    what I like about the digital albums is that I can stroll thru them to see if I need an upgrade or replacement. most of all my pics were taken with a cell phone

    Kennedys are my quest...

  • Nickels_ruleNickels_rule Posts: 19
    edited November 25, 2020 3:09PM

    One more question if I could. I replaced a coin with the same coin but with a higher grade. I did get the notice box that said the new coin was added and replaced a coin in a few sets. I thought the coin that was replaced would get put in inventory....it didn't. I found it in my active inventory but I don't see any way to transfer it to my inventory without marking it sold. Is there a way to just keep the coin (in inventory) but not have it in any sets? Also, what is the green "plus" icon at the left? I'm not sure this is very clear so .......

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,247 ✭✭✭✭✭

    If you are signed in to your Registry, click on "Inventory" and it will take you to "My Inventory", there is a drop down that starts with active inventory and then can show only inventory in sets, unassigned, sold, last added, etc.

    Your coins are saved when you upgrade, nothing is deleted unless you ask it to be.

  • Hello Goldminers, yes I found that but what I was trying to do is transfer the coin no longer used in the set to my inventory. It's still in my active inventory but I want it to show up in "inventory not assigned to sets" category.

    edit: I just went to delete that unused coin and then I was going to add it back and see if it would get put in the "unassigned to sets" category and when I signed in to do that, it had already been done! I guess it IS kinda an SOP thing .....I guess I just had to wait for things to happen on their own. Thank you for your time. Problem solved

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