FS - foreign bulk silver - SOLD
Posts: 4,583 ✭✭✭✭✭
I have small amount of bulk “junk” silver made up of several things from 50% Australian, 80% Canadian, & 90% Cuban.
Totals just over 4 ounces of silver.
$100 OBO plus postage via check or PayPal.
Bulk silver with a cool factor!!
Yorkshireman,Obsessed collector of round, metallic pieces of history.Hunting for Latin American colonial portraits plus cool US & British coins.
Can you post a few pictures of the lot?
Here you go:
i sell those aussie coins at an antique booth they go well . I staple 4 50% thruppence or 3 sixpence into a silver eagle sized flip for 6 bucks or shillings for 4 bucks. I load a row up and a week later they are all gone. Never seen the buyer he keeps a low profile.
British 50% doesn't move at all I always thought it was the same composition but the british stuff looks uglier circulated just like nasty warnickles but the aussie stuff doesn't turn black like that actually the kiwi and india 50% doesn't either
cuba is great except hard to move on ebay the listings get pulled. And don't get me started on high low medium star fine medium coarse reeding
Please Make me an offer for all of it.
the PM forum has our own ... monthly ... BST thread.
here is October's -> *** The Official October 2020 Precious Metals Buy Sell Trade Thread ***
this is a neat lot . it has that old silver "stank" about it , like it was put up decades ago and never touched. The 40% halfs were the same black edges shiny surfaces but not like new shiny.
So glad you are satisfied, Bronco2078!!