Wacky Packages

Hey all,
I just created an account on this forum. I collect the original series Wacky Packages, and have a fledgling PSA collection of them. (I have almost all of the raw diecuts, only missing Ratz, Cracked, and most number variations, and I have OS 1-15 and just over half of 16 all raw, not PSAed).
Do any of you collect Wacky Packs? Here's a couple of mine:
I think I may have a few.... 😂
Here’s a decent old thread....I started this before I had ever submitted a wacky!
That is indeed a quite cool thread. It was neat seeing the submission sheets (or whatever you'd call it). I feel like that just gives an adrenaline rush, getting 9's and 10's. Can't afford that, especially not with the prices right now. I do have a couple I know are worth subbing though.
Click on your post...a little gear will appear to the right. Click the gear icon, up comes an EDIT function. I'm pretty sure you can then scroll across your post and delete whatever. Be sure to click SAVE COMMENT.
We all make mistakes and we all learn here. No worries.
I tried restoring as many of the pics as I could, a lot of them are gone for reasons I don’t recall.
I don't see the delete button you're referring to.
There’s no delete button. I usually edit the post and just replace text with a
Can you believe this Skimpy got a 9?
I cannot. I would have graded it a 7 at best, personally.
That boosts my confidence in my raw sets.
A few recent acquisitions...
Deserving of a 9, or did I get a gift grade? 🤔
I don't know if I would have given it a 9, but obviously I am not the authority. I have only seen one perfectly centered Floral, and it was beat up otherwise. Just unfortunate.
Why does this title have a lower population than other 5ths?
A lot of landscape oriented titles seem to be sensitive to centering for reasons I don’t quite understand. It could be the thin borders issue again.
I can’t figure out why this didn’t get a 9...
That Shots does look like a 9. Super nice, assuming it's from those glossies you subbed.
I am still having trouble locating a few 5ths. I see one Hungry Jerk 8 on eBay, which is the niced centered I've seen, but it looks toned. I am dreading finding a Muleburro 8.
I submitted my Muleburro in 2014. Definitely another thin bordered title. I don’t think I noticed the bottom edge was cut funny until I got it back...
I can't sub mine, way off-center to the right side. There's also no reason for looking at an upgrade if I could actually find an 8, but I don't see that happening. I also don't see a glossy, centered Muleburro with sharp corners coming around any time soon.
I was going to send a picture of this glossy Krazy Crackers I have, nicely centered (albeit not perfect), clean back and bright colors, sharp corners except one is lightly blunted (or whatever you'd call it). I got excited as I thought that could be my Krazy 8 until I saw that one corner. The grass is never green, of course.
I had a really nice Krazy that unfortunately came back min size requirement, and when I measured it, it was noticeably small, so I didn’t bother trying to resubmit.
Unfortunately, my 5th Series is quite tragic. Either a card is extremely toned, has bad corners, or is obscenely off-centered. I have no assistance in myself to sub any for that set. I do have several 12th titles that would be worth grading, but I am not planning on doing that anytime soon.
I always like talking about Wackys that are tougher to find in high grade. For one reason or another, I have always found it interesting. For one, what do you think of Swiss Mess? It's another thin border title, and my original copy was grotesquely off-centered, but I don't recall you having it upon your tough Wackys list. I do have the PSA 9 now, but I still think it is a tough title.
And, Hungry Jerk from Series 5? What about that one? I have yet to see a perfectly centered Hungry Jerk.
I don’t think Swiss Mess is insanely tough, but it was one I didn’t have a nice one of for quite awhile. I did end up with one I was very happy with in that 5th glossy find. And yes, Hungry Jerk is a tough title, most of the ones I have seem to have the copyright very far from the card edge, though I’m not really sure how it is supposed to be centered, I’ll have to look at a sheet.
Yes, the copyright always seems to move to the left on almost all Hungry Jerk's I've seen. Upon looking at the sheet, it should not be that way. The centerpoint of the arcs on either side of the Hungry Jerk image should be aligned with the midpoint of the card's short edge (looking at it vertically). Tijuana Smells is oddly another semi-difficult title, and it is directly to the right of Hungry Jerk. Achoo is to the left of Hungry Jerk, however, and that may be the easiest title in the set besides Plopsikle. Weird.
Betty Crooked, Slaytex, Fatina, Krazy, Muleburro....all pretty tough.
I’m surprised the 9 pop on HaHa is so low with the wonder bread factor.
True. I think Graft is sort of difficult as well. The ones I have seen are always slightly OC (except for your's from what I remember).
I vaguely remembered I had to resubmit that Graft, fortunately I was able to look it up 😂
I hate the roller marks issue. Unless severe, roller marks don't bother me at all. Yet, they don't penalize for toning. Yikes.
And, the inconsistency of the titles in the registry!!!! It's Fatina, not Fatima!
I know there's another Graft 9 on eBay, but it can't compare to a glossy one. It's unfortunate because the glossies I have tend to have softer corners. One step forward for twelve steps back.
I agree completely. Before I started submitting I had lots of keeper cards with roller marks, it never bothered me. That’s why I never got anywhere with series 12 and 14. My entire sets had roller marks and I just don’t care enough about those sets to start from scratch.
Yes. Series 14 is rough for sure, and a lot of my mid-series have them as well. It's unfortunate.
A couple more... (I apologize for the poor image quality, had trouble there).
The centering on the Slum Maid is way above average. Too bad about the lower right corner or it might have been an 8.
I honestly think the corners are the only issue. The centering is near perfect, the back is super clean, colors bright, and I don't think any perfs are popped but I will have to look closer. No creases on the border either.
Not to sound jaded, but I think with better corners it would have a shot at a 9. But, then again, I've never seen a PSA 9 diecut in-person so I am not entirely sure.
If it had perfect corners it would have a shot at a 9. I meant if that one corner were better it could be an 8. The lower left looks slightly touched also. The centering is good enough for a 9.
This is a good example of what a 9 die cut looks like. The corners don’t have to be flawless under magnification, but they should be close
All of the corners are kind of touched, with the bottom right being the worst. It's just another thing that makes the diecuts more difficult in high grade.
Even though Dave is the only collector I've seen here, figured I'd post a new acquisition anyway. Have one more 5th title coming in the mail soon.
Not a serious Wacky collector . . .
. . . but I am a Beer Drinker
I have seen the 67's on ebay a few times but I seem to get outbid
I don't think I've seen the Bloodweiser
More stuff to add to watch list
Schmutz should sue Blast blew ribbon for using 'the beer that made Milwaukee burp'.
Surely Schmutz trademarked the line.
I don’t think I ever even noticed that!
I enjoy looking at the pics in this thread. I used to buy wacky packs once in a while
and stuck them on my school notebook when I was a kid.
For some reason the one I remember most is Crust toothpaste.
Did you simply resubmit and have it bump from a 6 to a 9? Or did you remove the roller marks before resubmitting?
No, I just resubmitted. The roller marks were extremely faint (I did not even notice them the first time I submitted) so I thought it likely it would get through and it did.
There is no way to remove roller marks.
Isn't that considered a review?
Not if you crack it out and send it in raw. Reviews are sending it back in still in the holder.