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May be an old topic - Simpletols?

badgerbadger Posts: 1,217 ✭✭✭

Ran across this website that seemed to have prices that were too good to be true. (Hmm.. inner voice trying to say something.) simpletols website real or unreal?

Was actually going to pull the trigger when some Chinese writing briefly scrolled. Spent a short time in China and only know two words in pinyin - Restroom and Emergency Exit. And I think I saw both those scroll.

Anyway, buying Silver Eagles at half melt while throwing in a couple of rare date CC Morgans seemed like would be the start of a good day.

Is there any possibility that those coins are real??

Collector of Modern Silver Proofs 1950-1964 -- PCGS Registry as Elite Cameo

Link to 1950 - 1964 Proof Registry Set
1938 - 1964 Proof Jeffersons w/ Varieties


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