2000 P Quarter DDO? Or MD
Posts: 182 ✭✭✭
As stated. On our Sunday search of quarters this morning we found this and i think it has the characteristics of a DDO? or is it MD
Yes i know its a beat up coin no value, just learning with my kid to tell the difference between DD? AND MD. Ty for any info you can give.
Looks like die deterioration doubling.
Here is some additional info
Could also be mechanical doubling, but regardless, neither adds any value
Die deterioration. IMO.
I’ll third the die deterioration determination.
Looks like die deterioration.... could be die deterioration with machine doubling.... Cheers, RickO
Classic machine doubling.
Ty for the website I learned new info. I thought being fairly new before that this has the characteristic of DD because different Serif's, and blurry to the vision. But see below-
"True doubled dies generally show doubling in a single direction on the affected letters"
from website is new so I see how on my coin it does go one direction with "In God we" and "Trust" has doubling going a different direction.
die deterioration doubling is new term to me so TY again we learned something new!