"Liberty Dollar" confiscated and then returned by the government

These have been discussed previously. At the time I did not have photos of my own copper Liberty Dollars that were confiscated by the federal government and then returned to the rightful owners who participated in the subsequent lawsuit.
Here is a confiscated Ron Paul "dollar" that was paid for but confiscated in the raid on NORFED offices before they were delivered out. After several or more years my petition (as well as those of dozens of others) for the return of eligible LDs was approved.
My recovered LDs were all the copper variety, and they were a little worse for wear after being in storage for several years. This was one of the nicer ones, a few of which I sent to issuer Bernard von Nothaus so he could add a special counterstamp to designate it as a recovered LD.
I think the cost of the counterstamping was $10 each, for a LD that cost $1 originally. But, I wanted to record the history of the token for posterity.
The counterstamp is a very simple "MA" for Monetary Architect, which is what von Nothaus called himself.
Did you ask if they accept Liberty Dollars as payment?
Collector, occasional seller
Dead Cat Waltz Exonumia
"Coin collecting for outcasts..."
I’m glad yours was returned. When was it sent back to you?

I bought this one a short time back and wondered if it really was one that was confiscated and returned?
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
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To be honest I've lost track. I'm guessing it was several years ago.
The MA countetstamp on your silver LD should indicate that it was a confiscated and returned "coin".
The court case involved various mailings of legal documents that included all the petitioners and their claims. I pretty sure I was the only one who bothered to pursue a claim for copper LDs so I think mine should be quite rare with the special counterstamp. Of course, they all might be rare - I'm not sure how many people ponied up for the counterstamp.
Here's an article on Bernard's "MA" counterstamp.
Here's a "LLD" one for "Liberated Liberty Dollar". It appears there are 6 stamps distributed to different people making these marks, including Bernard and Charles Hampe.
Thanks for the link @Zoins
If I’m reading it correctly there is only 6 pieces with this Stamp on it?
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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I read it that 6 people have a punch....
Oh, okay......sounds more reasonable. Who knows how many were struck or yet to be
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
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How many were seized?
The way the counter stamp is applied to the copper piece is reminiscent to the Stone Mountain half dollars, in my opinion.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Interesting piece to have.... part of numismatic lore. Cheers, RickO
Agree. These remind me of Lesher Dollars. Imagine if Leshers had been confiscated?
I hope/wish I could get my 20 copper LDs (with and without the counterstamp) slabbed with special label text so as to preserve the provenance.
@JBK i would assume ANACS would do it. I’ve been sending many Ron Landis gold. And silver to them.
Along with other tokens I know PCGS or ngc won’t slab
CoinsAreFun Toned Silver Eagle Proof Album
Gallery Mint Museum, Ron Landis& Joe Rust, The beginnings of the Golden Dollar
More CoinsAreFun Pictorials NGC
ANACS could probably do that for you > @JBK said: