My first coin show in 8 months - NCNA in Concord NC

Time really flew by this summer while all the local shows were cancelled. Finally the NCNA was able to put on a show while conforming to all the pandemic rules.
Doors opened an hour early at 9am for those of us that are 60 and older - I loved this! I got there just before 9 and there were about 10 in line.
Upon entering the door, your temp was checked (forehead - non contact). If under 100F, you were good to go.
I registered on line so I didn't have to wait, just make up a nametag.
There must be some limit to the total number of people allowed, I noticed as I left there was a line waiting to get in. With the restrictions, the bourse floor seemed empty, but the people that were there were buying and not kicking the tires.
The venue is quite large so they spaced tables far apart - my bum knee was barking at me after only one lap. Simple to social distance.
Only one chair by each table.
Most tables were set up in a U configuration - three tables per dealer - this was great for the dealer and the buyers. I hope they consider this in the future when space is available.
I was pressed for time and only had about two hours. I bought two gold coins for my type set, and sold 5 proof variety coins. No idea of what silver was going for - I did not see as much on the floor as normal. Same for gold bullion. I was not there to buy bullion so I didn't inquire.
Overall a successful show for me. I drove home a happy camper.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
Thanks, good to see show reports starting to come in again.
I just herd from a friend of mine who attended, he said basically the same thing you stated. He had to wait about 45 min in line to get in. But he said the folks that were there were doing business. he said he also noticed several folks selling items to the dealers. Thanks for the picture, Picture is worth a 1000 words they say.
sounds like fun! i always went to that show when i lived in charlotte. i bought some good coins there.
Very cool. Thanks for the show report....looks like a very safe setup.
Glad to see you snagged a few keepers to take home.
Nice!... but we are still far from normal.
Thanks for an interesting show report..... Looks like the virus situation was managed nicely there... What gold coins did you buy?? Cheers, RickO
Thanks for the report. Pretty close to the same set up they’ve been using here in Vegas. 50 people in room max one at each table.
Gov. just upped the max to 250 so show next week may look different.
My Ebay Store
What do they do at coin shows? Show coins?

Just sayin'.
nice report and am happy lots walked away happy
Thanks for your report.
A show is still better then nothing at all thank you!
Here is a quick cell photo of one. Sorry my hands aren't too steady this morning - 1927 $2.5 MS62+ CAC looks far better in hand than the photos suggest. The other is a 1928 Saint in PCGS MS66 - unfortunately already sealed in a box to be shipped for imaging.
“In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock." - Thomas Jefferson
My digital cameo album 1950-64 Cameos - take a look!
Wish we had shows in Hawaii agsin
@Cameonut ....Thanks for the picture, that is a nice gold Indian....Cheers, RickO
Nice cam set!